What's the significance of the moments when Iago addresses the audience?

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What's the significance of the moments when Iago addresses the audience?

        Trying to psychoanalyse the nature of Iago is like trying to decipher the enigma. Iago is a character with so many different facets to his name that literary critics have been divided for years as to whether Iago is indeed a highly complex character or if he is one who is in fact very simple. We as an audience try and understand his actions. Perhaps Iago is of such a mentality that his audience simply cannot grasp his nature and it is only through the imagination of Shakespeare that we gain an insight into this different mentality. One reputable critic - Coleridge was of the opinion that Iago had a “motiveless malignity” a delight in evil for evils sake. This would remove the much-popularised view that Iago had several motives - envy, humiliation, failure and inferiority. Either intentionally or unintentionally Iago creates an air of mystery about himself, which is subtly revealed in his soliloquies with the audience.

     Critics have always felt that Othello and Iago are in some ways equal and opposite or rather, complimentary. However the Elizabethan audience would have considered them to be strangely similar, because they share common values. Both Iago and Othello suffer from the same disease – jealousy. So in this sense they can be seen as parallels. I think that this is what Shakespeare intended, people who appear different but who share common values. Values that transcend race, class and religion something that Shakespeare may have felt very strongly about at the time of writing this play. What better way is there of representing the opposite nature of two people than visually. Shakespeare does this in the most obvious of ways – Iago is white and Othello is black.  I think Iago represents a part in every person. The part that is jealous without reason, the part that is adamant in achieving a goal, even when we know that the reward is not worth the trouble faced in achieving it. It is in these individualities that Iago can be seen as a reflection of humankind.

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      In Iago’s soliloquies we glean a truer sense of who the real Iago is. Although this may be paradoxically challenged by Iago's statement at the beginning of the play, “I am not as I appear”. This begs the question do we ever really see who Iago is or is his entire life an act? Othello constantly refers to Iago as good and honest during the first half of the play. This could be seen as compliment to Iago’s abilities in convincing people into believing things that are not true. The distinguished critic Bradley noted that out of the ...

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