What were the roles, privileges and rights of women in both public and private live in Roman Egypt?

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What were the roles, privileges and rights of women in both public and private live in Roman Egypt?

The classical world was, by large, a male-dominated one.  Women of Greece and Rome could expect to live a life almost entirely sheltered from wider society and under the fierce guardianship of a male relative for all of her life.  A woman’s role within this world would rarely extend beyond that of wife and mother – political, social and academic spheres were an exclusively male domain of which women played little or no part.  Though viewed as a mysterious and suspicious land by Graeco-Roman  eyes, we might assume that a woman’s place in ancient Egypt would have been no different.  

Greek Historian Herodotus, writing some 400 years before the Egyptian annex by Rome, provides a colourful description and perhaps one of the most famous passages on the social quirks of Egypt as he saw it:

‘Just as the Egyptians have a climate peculiar to themselves, and their river is different in its nature from all other rivers, so, too, have they instituted customs and laws contrary for the most part to those of the rest of mankind. Among them, the women buy and sell, the men stay at home and weave; and whereas in weaving all others push the woof upwards, the Egyptians push it downwards. Men carry burdens on their heads, women on their shoulders.   Women pass water standing, men sitting. They ease their bowels indoors, and eat out of doors in the streets, explaining that things unseemly but necessary should be done alone in private, things not unseemly should be done openly.   No woman is dedicated to the service of any god or goddess; men are dedicated to all deities male or female. Sons are not compelled against their will to support their parents, but daughters must do so though they be unwilling.’ (Hist. II. 35)

Of course, while we cannot take this passage as a literal description, it does provide us with a mindset of how gender roles in Egypt were perceived prior to Roman occupation.  A Roman living in the late Republic might too have found Herodotus’ description not so outlandish were he exposed to the incessant propaganda campaigns against the country initiated by Octavian as he was consolidating his powers in the Empire.   The fact that Egypt was ruled by a queen during Octavian’s rise to power is highly significant – it was not only her nationality as an Egyptian which cemented Cleopatra’s image as a dangerous and immoral figurehead of the Orient, but also her gender which made these traits all the more appalling in the eyes of the Romans.  She was, by all means, everything a woman should not be.   Cleopatra was the last Egyptian queen, but she was certainly not the first: Rowlandson tells us that,

‘Compared with the other Hellenistic kingdoms, the Ptolemies accorded an exceptionally prominent role to the women members of their dynasty.  Like queens elsewhere, they might hold royal property, and had some financial independence; more unusually, several of them ruled as regents or even in their own right.’ (1998: 24)

From this, we are allowed to believe that – despite not being a thoroughly ‘common’ occurrence – women in Egypt could reach positions of considerable power that women elsewhere could not.  Rowlandson continues that to the Roman mind, such women, of which Cleopatra is included,   ‘... provided classic examples of for later hostile writers of the ill effects of allowing women to wield political power.’  

Nevertheless, to understand how women experienced life in Egypt on a much broader scale, we must surely look to the evidence which relates to women from all social classes; not only to those born into royalty.  Joyce Tyldesley offers a brief summary of the position of women prior to Roman rule:

‘ ...there is enough evidence in the form of court documents and legal correspondence to show that, in theory at least, the men and women within each social class stood as equals in the eyes of the law. This equality gave the Dynastic Egyptian woman, married or single, the right to inherit, purchase and sell property and slaves as she wished. She was able to make a valid legal contract, borrow or lend goods, and even initiate a court case. Perhaps most importantly of all, she was allowed to live alone without the protection of a male guardian. This was a startling innovation at a time when the female members of all other major civilizations were to a greater or lesser extent relegated to a subordinate status and ranked with dependent children and the mentally disturbed as being naturally inferior to males. The contemporary written laws of Mesopotamia and the later laws of Greece and Rome all enshrined the principle of male superiority, so that the regulation of female behaviour by males was seen as a normal and natural part of daily life throughout most of the ancient world.’ (: 37)

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Octavian defeated the combined forces of Antony and Cleopatra in 32BC during a naval battle at Actium.  Egypt was quickly annexed into the Roman Empire ending almost 300 years of Ptolemaic rule.  Egypt was, for the first time, ruled from the outside: Octavian would visit only once.  As Egyptian administration and social order was gradually transformed to better suit its role as a new Roman province, we might too expect the role of women to change and become more in line with the women of Rome.  I am first going to look at religious practices in Egypt and assess a ...

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