Write an essay of not more than 1500 words, referring to Great Expectations and Frankenstein, discussing how origins are explored through realist and other conventions.

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Write an essay of not more than 1500 words, referring to Great Expectations and Frankenstein, discussing how origins are explored through realist and other conventions.

As Edward Said remarked in ‘On Repetition’ in The World, The Text and The Critic (1984),

‘the realist novel is concerned with seeing people as peculiarly individual beings facing an

individual destiny’ (The Realist Novel, p. 68); we can certainly see this is evident in both

Great Expectations and Frankenstein. In both novels we, as readers, are faced with

tumultuous happenings concerning the quest for identity. Through using the, occasionally

very loose, framework of the realist novel both seek to explore other genres to illustrate the

wider psychological impact of the search for one’s origin.

In Great Expectations we are introduced to the significant theme of origins immediately as

we witness young Pip at the graveyard, lamenting over the appearance of his parents.

From here, we are thrown into the dangerous world of the criminal as ‘a fearful man’ (p. 6)

accosts Pip and threatens that his accompanying friend will have his ‘liver tore out, roasted

and ate’ (p. 8). Although we are in the throws of melodrama here, there is a hint of the

gothic element, which exemplifies Pips fear and apprehension, and also, the foreboding of

the elements of the plot through the setting of the ‘black horizontal line’ (p. 9) of the

marshes and the overbearing sky which was ‘just a row of angry red lines and dense black

intermixed’ (p. 9). With this is mind we can perhaps sympathise with the older Pip when he

learns that this man is his benefactor – or more precisely the second father. However,

although this is written within the framework of the gothic genre we do not feel the dread,

fear or surrealism that is comparable with the function as we have a dual narrative. The

older Pip is the narrator seeing through the eyes of the younger Pip, which services the

contrasting comedy aspect.

In contrast to this we have Victor’s account of his upbringing in Frankenstein. The story

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already transmits gothic elements through the fact that Victor’s story is embedded within

Walton’s. Though he had an outwardly happy childhood and ‘no creature could have had

more tender parents than mine’ (p. 19) he was only subject to perfection of appearance

and nature, reminiscent of the features of the popular romance novel. Although his

childhood was tender we wonder at the lack of familial conflicts – surely domestic bliss

incorporates every aspect of human nature? We see Victor evolve as the father of his

creature as ...

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