The Banach-Tarski paradox is a result of research in to set theory.

Stefan Banach and Alfred Tarski, after which the paradox is named, were Polish mathematicians.

It states that it is possible to take a solid sphere (a "ball"), cut it up into a finite number of pieces, rearrange them using only rotations and translations, and re-assemble them into two identical copies of the original sphere, effectively doubling the volume of the sphere.

It's important to be clear what we're talking about. The most important point is that when we mention a sphere, we're talking about a mathematical sphere. Physical spheres and mathematical spheres are not entirely congruent, the most important distinction being that a mathematical sphere is infinitely divisible. As a physical sphere contains a finite (albeit large) number of atoms, it is not so.

For simplicity, we shall assume that our mathematical sphere, S, has radius 1. As such, it can be defined as follows:

S = {(x,y,z) | x2+y2+z2 ≤ 1 }

That is, S is defined as the set of points that lie within a 3-dimensional spherical area in ℜ3, where ℜ is the set of all real numbers.

The Definition:

Ai ∩ Aj = ∅ for each i and j between 1 and n such that i≠j (no two pieces overlap each other)

A1 ∪ A2 ∪ ... ∪ An = S (assembling all the pieces yields the original sphere S)

There exist T1, T2, ... Tn, where each Ti represents some finite sequence of rotations and translations, such that if we apply each Ti to each Ai (let's call the result Ai'), then:


A1' ∪ A2' ∪ ... ∪ Am' = S (a subset of the original pieces forms S)

 Am+1' ∪ Am+2' ∪ ... An = S' (the remaining pieces forms a copy of S)

where m is some number between 1 and n, and S' is S translated by some finite

amount so that S and S' are disjoint.

So effectively, the jargon on the board states that, that it is possible to take S, our previously defined sphere, cut it up into n disjoint pieces, which we've called A1 , A2 , .....  An   whose union is S itself, where  n is finite. Upon performing a finite number of translations and rotations to each piece, we will end up with two copies of S, though one is translated so as not to overlap with the original

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The previous statement(s) allow all sorts of unintuitive things to happen. You can cut up a sphere in to n pieces, remove some of the pieces and then reassemble those remaining in to your original sphere, without any change in volume. Obviously, this is impossible with a physical sphere, but such are the joys of mathematics.

This may seem to be utter trite, but when working with mathematically infinite objects, results are certainly not always intuitive. For example, we can look at some slightly more familiar ground. If we take N = { 0, 1, 2, 3 ... } , ...

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