University of North London

                School of Education

Concept of Limit in Real Analyses

by Antonina Sculthorp






Course BA/PGCE Secondary Mathematics

Year: 1

Module MI 104

Seminar Tutor: M. Karamanou

Course tutor: S. Woodage




There is probably no other instance in human intellectual history in which so much time and effort was spent merely to reach a satisfactory definition as that for limit. The concept is very closely related with two other fundamental concepts of mathematics and exists alongside both infinity and continuity.  The Greek scholars were the first who seriously considered problems of continuity and infinity based on the concept of ‘number’. Various attempts were made by them to include the concept of number into geometry. Being able to construct a line segment of any rational m/n length (m,n, the Greeks discovered around 400 B.C. that a diagonal of a unit triangle is an irrational number, which falls out of the number concept. Questions of continuity and infinity seem to have represented a complete mystery to the Greek scholars. The difficulties were clearly indicated by the famous Paradoxes of Zeno, of which it is worth quoting the following:


What is the fallacy of the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise? Using concepts established some 2,500 years after Zeno, here is the explanation why Achilles can finally catch up to and pass the tortoise:

        Although the number of time intervals is infinite, the total amount of time is not necessarily infinite. Suppose the tortoise is given a head start of 3 meters and advances at the speed of 3m/s and Achilles ambles along at 6 m/s, Achilles will catch up to the tortoise at the end of  (see Appendix 1):

(1)                .

The space above introduced by ‘’ stands for the infinite number of decreasing fractions called a sequence, that add up to 1 second. Although it seems not so difficult to express every term of the sum with respect to its place - no matter how far it is- the entire process of computation of the sum of the infinite number of terms is not clear. On the other hand, even if one could intuitively estimate, that the terms of the above sequence tend to zero (converge to zero), as one chooses a term far enough, it is still unclear, how to justify one’s intuitive guess, because he/she might have intuition different from others. The space ‘’ in (1) reflects the distance between first attempts of ancient scholars to halt ‘leak’ of information about incompleteness of rational numbers they discovered, and the modern era development of old concepts such as differential and integral calculus, which solved and interpreted ancient and modern enigmas.

Amongst the earliest and most significant contributors to rigor in calculus was A. Cauchy. He explained the meaning of the above expression ‘tends to zero as the term is far enough’ in following terms:

‘ When the successive values attributed to a variable approach infinitely a fixed value so as to end by differing from it by as little as one wishes, this fact is called the limit of the others.’(2, p. x)

This definition seems excessively vague from our viewpoint: the phrases ‘successive values’, ‘approach indefinitely’, ‘as little as one wishes’ are suggestive rather then mathematically precise. Therefore A. Cauchy’s definition needed to be refined in terms of formal mathematical language and this was done by H.E. Heine forty three years after the first publication of the above definition of limit. Heine defined the limit of a function f(x) at x0:

If given any , there is an such that for the difference is less in absolute value than , then L is the limit of f(x) for x=x0.’

This statement, which is now the accepted definition of limit, is absolutely unambiguous. With minor modifications, it applies to many other kinds of limiting processes, including sequences and series of numbers and functions, functions of several variables, complex functions etc. The paradox of Zeno regarding motion disappears once the definition of continuity based on Heine’s definition of limit is understood. This also led to clear definitions of number, continuity, and derivative enabling nineteenth century scientists to provide a logically precise development of calculus. With an instrument as powerful as calculus, modern mathematicians solved problem of estimating volumes of solids formulated by Archimedes.. We strongly believe that it is impossible to teach someone this concept. However those lucky to touch it may feel as great a pleasure as those who understand the Bach harmonies. In this essay we discuss only three applications of the concept, namely, the limit of sequence, the limit of series and the limit of function of one real variable supporting our reasoning with some samples. As the amount of words of the essay is strictly LIMITED we are not discussing a concept of infinity or continuity, which are based on the concept of limit. However when necessary we give outline of the former without further contemplations or speculation.

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Limit of Sequence

is a function defined on a set of real numbers for all positive integers.

The intuitive definition of the sequence is already outlined in the Introduction. Roughly speaking,

Definition 1:has a limit L if (xn-L) becomes arbitrary small for all sufficiently large values of n. In this case we write

(2)        .

From this crude description, we would expect that the sequence 1,1,… has the limit 1, whereas the

sequence has a limit 0 while the sequence 1,-2,3,-4,… does not have a limit. On the other hand, our intuition is not sharp enough to deduct, whether the sequence has a ...

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