Stuart Arthur

BSc Computing

Object Software Concepts

BSc Computing

Object Software Concepts

Question 1

The object oriented approach to creating software has become increasingly more common because its technology has many advantages over other methods of creating software. Before object oriented software was common businesses in the software creation market were starting to feel pressure because of the global market and because from other businesses meant that software had to be created faster otherwise they would face the prospect of losing money to other businesses or even going bankrupt. The object oriented approach meant that software could be created a lot faster due to its advanced technology. Object oriented technology consists of a body of methods, processes and tools that are used to construct software systems from objects. . Object-oriented methods provide a unifying paradigm for the three traditional phases of software development which are analysis, design and implementation. This unification leads to a smooth transition from one phase to the next. The main features of object-oriented are encapsulation and hierarchical types. The major benefits are support for reuse and better understanding of the software system. Several object-oriented software development methods have been proposed and are continuously refined. Many object-oriented CASE tools have been developed to support the methods. Object-oriented techniques promise to simplify and speed up the development of software systems. The start of an object-oriented development process, presented in almost all methods, is the identification of the entities of a problem that are then, formalized in objects and attributes. The misunderstanding of the system components can grow from phase to phase and can lead to either an inappropriate computer solution or to difficult maintenance.

Object-oriented software is all about objects. An object is also known as a “black box” that can both send and take messages. A black box contains code and data. Usually code and data are kept separate. For example, in the C language, units of code are called functions, while units of data are called structures. Functions and structures are not formally connected in C. A C function can operate on more than one type of structure, and more than one function can operate on the same structure. This is not the case for object oriented software. In object oriented programming code and data are brought together to create an object. The black box metaphor was created because a user should never look inside the box.

The reason you shouldn’t look inside an object is because you don’t need to, all communication to it is done via messages. The object which a message is sent to is known as the receiver of the message. The interface of the object is defined by messages. Everything an object can do is represented by its message interface. Therefore you don’t need to know what is in a black box to use it.

Another reason for not looking inside a black box is so that you can’t modify or change an object. If you change an object you would be changing the way an object works. As long as you deal with the objects as black boxes via their messages then the software will work. A way of keeping an object secure is by providing access only through its messages; this method is known as information hiding. The reason for changing software is because software changes. A popular phrase is “software is not written, it is re-written”.

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An object is defined by its class; the class determines everything about an object. An object is an instance of its class.

For example, you may create an object called Bulldog from the class dog. The Dog class defines what it are to be a Dog object, and all the "dog-related" messages a Dog object can act upon. All object-oriented languages have some means, usually called a factory, to "manufacture" object instances from a class definition

The reasons for the object oriented approach in general are objected oriented approaches use modern software engineering technology. This kind of approach ...

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