Official crime statistics can be knocked down and so far sideways those responsible criminologists ignore them. Discuss.

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Official crime statistics can be knocked down and so far sideways those responsible criminologists ignore them. Discuss.

Name of module: Criminal Justice Policy

Name of lecturer: Coretta Phillips

Date of submission: 7th November 2002

Name of student: Sharon Ingrid Kwok (200210386)


Social scientist has been aware of the pitfalls and limitation in official crime statistics. Arguments have surrounded the official crime statistics to be sideways, and they can be distorted by social and institutional factors.  (Reiner, Maguire and Coleman et al) In this assignment we will analyse the problems surrounding the interpretation of official crime statistics and illustrate how they are constructed and consequently where their systematic biases lies.

Dark figures-non-reported and non-recorded criminal behaviour

The core problem interpretating the official statistics on crimes that have been recorded by the police arise from the fact that they are incomplete and biased. For an event to be recorded and known to police category it has to overcome two hurdles: Addressing of Issues and Appropriate handling of procedures.

Criminal behaviour must come to the attention of the police and should be recorded as such by the police using his appropriate procedures. Many criminal events may fail to enter the record at either stage. They may not come to be known to the police at all, even they do, the police may not record them as crimes for variety of reasons. Therefore, the problems of non-reporting and non-recording lead to the official crime statistics becoming unreliable. (Reiner, 1996)

Many offences will fail to become apparent to police due to various social factors.  Awareness is such a problem. Some individuals, organisations or government bodies may not be aware that a crime has been committed against them. The ingenuity of the fraudster, the complexity of the act, lack of knowledge and vigilance of the victim and the police can enable the crime to become invisible. (Jupp et al., 1999: 7) The invisibility of crime, leads to victim failure to report and the police unable to take a proactive approach to discover

Although victims are aware that they have been victimised by criminal acts, they maybe reluctant to report to police due to variety of reasons: fear of reprisals, fear of self incrimination, embarrassment (Devis et al., 1995: 82-84) and lack of confidence in the police (Koffman, 1996)

However what is more problematic is police bias in recording processes.  A great deal of discretion remains in police hands about whether and how to record possible offences, which do come to their notice. They can exercise their discretion for not to record due to their perception, such as considered some cases as too trival, deemed not to constitute a criminal offence, with the result that they are either not recorded at all, or are officially ‘no crime’ later. (Maguire, 1997) Thus, the police are reluctant to record some cases due to some institutional reasons, for example, to improve their overall clear up rate. (Coleman and Bottomley 1981) (Maguire, 1997) These reasons lead to approximately 44% of crimes reported to the police do not end up in official statistics. (BCS 1998 p.19) In this sense, whether to record incidents into official record or not is dependent on the police’s culture as well as their institutional practice.

These dark figures lead directly into two major dangers in the interpretation of official crime statistics. (Reiner, 1996) Firstly, they act as an unreliable guide to trends in crimes. An increase in the rate of recorded crime could occur not because of rise in offending behaviour, but because of a higher proportion of crimes being reported by victims, or from more proactive policing discovering more offences, or from police recording a higher proportion of the crimes they become aware of. (Reiner, 1996)

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Secondly, the statistics may be a highly misleading indication of the pattern of offending. If some crimes are particularly likely to come to light then the picture conveyed of the prevalent characteristics of crimes, victims and offenders may be correspondingly distorted. (Reiner, 1996)

Limited coverage of cases in official crime statistics

The incompleteness of official crime statistics are also related to the counting method of official crime statistics. Even as a record of criminal offences officially known to the police, it is still incomplete. Notifiabble offences only included those being tried in Crown Court, leading to a ...

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