Statistics however often help provide powerful interpretations when it comes to generalizing information because they are able to allow the viewer to see shapes and patterns by using graphs that may not be apparent when interpreted just as numbers.

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Statistics are dangerously convincing because of their ability to associate information with patterns and shapes, allowing the viewer to simplify and visually compare and contrast on the information given. Statistics provide simple mathematical patterns and visual comparisons on the information, triggering emotional and perceptional understanding upon viewers. Statistics however make generalizations, and is usually formed for a purpose whether it is to support one side of an argument or just to present useful data. This makes them inaccurate. Statistics can contain many biased opinions and generalization errors that are done unintentionally and intentionally to influence the viewer’s understanding of a subject. If viewers do not approach statistics with skepticism and critical thinking, it is easy to become persuaded by biased opinions of the creator. We must ask ourselves some basic critical questions in order to determine whether or not the statistical evidence given to us is factually accurate. Statistics are helpful in providing powerful interpretations of a truth, however statistics can also provide convincing illusions distant from the truth that can be used to distort our understanding.

Statistics are never able present the absolute truth because they are generalizing the information they attain. The population of a country for example, changes every moment due to deaths, births, and immigration. We cannot present the actual total population of a country; therefore we must learn how to make accurate assumptions when creating statistics on a country’s population. This is also known as Demography. In Geography, I learned that the methods for demography might include finding the average number of people in one household; then manipulating that estimated number to find a country’s population. Since the foundations of our calculations are based on estimates of the absolute truth, the errors of our assumptions will magnify when this information is being manipulated. These errors are always apparent because all measurements cannot be absolutely accurate; therefore we often display “error bars” in our calculations and graphs whether the range of error is one nanometer from the absolute truth, or 5000 people from the absolute truth. Although Statistics cannot provide us with the absolute truth, they are still useful and correct if they are close to the absolute truth. Statistics become untrue and misleading often when the error bars are too big, which causes inaccuracy.

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Statistics however often help provide powerful interpretations when it comes to generalizing information because they are able to allow the viewer to see shapes and patterns by using graphs that may not be apparent when interpreted just as numbers. I personally for example would have little or no reaction whatsoever if someone was to tell me that China has a population of 1.3 billion. But if someone were to tell me that, China’s population is 43 times greater than that of Canada, then I would be amazed by the astonishing comparison. These statistics help bring awareness to the reality of ...

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