This report will discuss the benefits and constraints of network systems and topologies.
johnsongodswillyahoocouk (student)
Networking Technologies
L 01 Understanding Networking principles
Network arrangement in an organization might help to decrease the effort and enhance the data safety. The report will discuss the benefits and constraints of network systems and topologies. The report will discuss the impact of technology and standards along with actual application of different networking system. The report will also discuss the role of hardware and software components and control the server and terminal requirement of network. The report will present the network design and will evaluate the network along with implementation, testing of requirements and recommended solutions to possible problems in network. The report will present the network maintenance schedule. htts// 28/05/2017
Task 1.1 Discuss the benefit and constraints of different networking system type and topologies.
Topology is the layout of connecting devices. This object introduces the average topologies of networking.
*Network type
*WAN- wide area network.
*LAN- Local area network.
*WLAN- Wireless local area network.
*MAN- Metropolitan area network.
* Wide Area Network (WAN)A wide area network (WAN) is a network that exists over a large-scale geographical area. A WAN joins different smaller networks, including local area networks (LANs) and metro area networks (MANs). This guarantees the computers and operators in one area that can connect with computers and operators in other locations. WAN application can be done either with the help of the public transmission system or a private network.
*LAN-local area network may serve as few as two or three users (for example, in a small-office network) or several hundred users in a larger office. LAN networking comprises cables, switches, routers and other components that let users connect to internal servers, websites and other LANs via wide area networks. *attention*
*Different type of topologies are-
*Bus topology.
This is a joint backbone to connect all devices with a single cable, the backbone operates in a collective communication standard that devices attach or tap into with a border connector. A device wanting to communicate with another device on the network sends a transmit message onto the wire that all other devices see, but only the intended receiver actually accepts and develop the message.
Ethernet bus topologies are relatively easy to install and don't require much wiring linked to the alternatives. 10Base-2 ("ThinNet") and 10Base-5 ("ThickNet") both were popular Elthernet wiring options many years ago for bus topologies. However, bus networks work best with a limited number of devices.
If more than a few dozen computers are added to a network bus, performance problems will likely result. In addition, if the backbone wire fails, the entire network successfully becomes impracticable.
Illustration: Bus Topology Diagram
C:\Users\AISOSA\Documents\Bus Topology.JPG
*Ring Topology
This a topology network where every device has just two neighbours for communication reasons.
All communications go through a ring in the same direction (either "clockwise" or "counter clockwise") in circles. A failure in any wired or device breaks the circle and can take down the entire network.
To connect a ring network, one typically uses FDDI, SONET, or TOKEN RING technology. Ring topologies are found in some office buildings or school campuses.
Illustration: Ring Topology Diagram.
htts// 23/06/2017
Star Topology
Many home networks use the star topology. Star network topographies a central linking point called a "hub node" that may be a network hub, switch or router. Devices normally connect to the hub with Unprotected Twisted Pair (UTP) Ethernet.
Compared to the bus topology, a star network usually involves more cable, but a failure in any star ...
This is a preview of the whole essay
To connect a ring network, one typically uses FDDI, SONET, or TOKEN RING technology. Ring topologies are found in some office buildings or school campuses.
Illustration: Ring Topology Diagram.
htts// 23/06/2017
Star Topology
Many home networks use the star topology. Star network topographies a central linking point called a "hub node" that may be a network hub, switch or router. Devices normally connect to the hub with Unprotected Twisted Pair (UTP) Ethernet.
Compared to the bus topology, a star network usually involves more cable, but a failure in any star network cable will only cut down one computer's network contact and not the entire LAN (local area network). (If the hub fails, though, the whole network will also fail.)
Illustration: Star Topology Diagram
Mesh Topology
Mesh topology presents as the concept of routes. Unlike each of the earlier topologies, communications referred on a mesh network can take in any of numerous possible routes from foundation to endpoint. Some WANs,(wide area network) most especially the Internet, employ mesh routing.
A mesh network in which each device links to every other is called a full mesh. As shown in the illustration below, partial mesh network also exists in some devices linked only indirectly to others.
Illustration: Mesh Topology Diagram
Network type-
*Personal Area Network (PAN)
*Local Area Network (LAN) this helps operators within a confined geographical area (usually within a mile).
* Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) this Covers a geographic area up to the size of a city or suburb. The main reason of a MAN is often to avoid local telephone companies when accessing wide area of service.
* Wide Area Network (WAN) this Covers a wide geographical area, most WANs are made from LANs connected together, LANs are often connected to WANs, Examples: Tyment, Telenet, Uninet, and Accunet.
WANs Advantages- can connect on the one network Shares software and resources with connecting.
*Can covers a wide geographical area for bossiness.
* Can be shared with other computers on the network without having to purchase a different peripheral for each computer. Everyone on the network can use the same.
WAN Disadvantages-WANs network is more complicated and complex.
*It requires various equipment and data in other to connect to internet.
LANS advantage-the file can be store on a central computer that allowed data to be share throughout an organisation.
*Network can allow security to be established
*file can be backup easier.
LANS Disadvantage-sometime a network shares one internet connection, if all computer running at once, can reduce speed for each of the computer.
*To control a good LAN is required to be on all the times.
*Security - each computer and device become another point of entry for undesirables.
Task 1.2 Evaluate the impact of current network technology communication and standard for given case study company.
In task 1.1 I discussed about the different type of Network with advantages and disadvantages and the different type of Topologies, That Network like WAN, LAN, WLAN, MAN- enables us to browse and share files and resources, such as printers, as well as send messages electronically Facebook to each other.
Computer Network is important in our life because without networking it will be impossible to share resources such as files, videos, sounds, audios, picture, etc. and communication between two or more people will not be possible.
.3 Discuss how protocols enable the effective utilization of different networking systems.
I shortlist a number of well known protocols, such as: TCP/IP, FTP, FTP and RIP. The mentioned protocols define rules and basic conventions for communication between network devices. The protocols are machine independent and on the other hand any involved workstation or a network device (say a router or a switch)
should be able to accommodate the protocol requests.
Protocols could be better understood by examples. Thus, I elaborate the following protocols:
HTTP protocol: this is a protocol enabling web or LAN users to navigate throw different web or LAN resources. Browsers are implementing the specifications of the HTTP protocol. For instance, due to the HTTP protocol, browser agents should be able to deliver GET, PUT, POST, DELETE requests among different devices.
TCP/IP, UDP, TCP and RTP: are protocols associated with the Transporation Layer of the OSI standard.
TCP/IP(transmission control protocol/Internet protocol): is a networking protocol suite that Microsoft Windows uses to communicate over the internet with other computers
UDP (user datagram protocol): are used to transmit network data to and from server and client applications
TCP (transmission control protocol): used to manage the connection of computer systems to the Internet.
RTP ( realtime transportation protocol): is an Internet protocol standard that requires a way for databases to manage the real-time transmission of multimedia data ove
Other very well known protocols are:
2.1 discuss the role of software and hardware components for the given company case study.
screenshot C:\Users\AISOSA\Dropbox\Screenshots\Screenshot 2017-07-17 16.09.08(2).png
Hardware Components-hardware contains all computers, peripherals, interface cards and other equipment needed to achieve data-processing and communications within the network, it consists of different type hardware.
A bridge is a device that allows you to segment a large network into two smaller segments, more efficient networks. If you are adding to an older wiring scheme and want the new network to be up-to-date, a bridge can connect the two.
Switch’s-is a device that provides a central connection point for cables from terminals
Routers- Routers are the traffic directors of the global internet. All routers maintain complex routing tables which allow them to determine appropriate paths for packets destined for any address.
Software in the context of a network system consists of:
- Software implementing specific protocols. That is, Browsers are implementing the HTTP protocol whereas FTP clients, such as, Filezilla (take a screenshot or include the link), implement the FTP protocol. That is, there are specific software applications enabling users to use certain protocol specifications.
- Hardware specific software. Software machine dependent for helping users to configure devices.
- Another important group of software covers network health monitoring and back-up procedures.
2.2 discuss server types and selection requirement for the given company case study.
Servers can be defined based on their offered services. For instance, the following screen-shot from the CISCO-packet tracer software highlights, server related services:
Server software-this the software that is designed to managed computer systems. Each of those services are essentially offered once the appropriate software has been installed and configured on the server. Therefore, servers can be classified in HTTP servers, DNS-servers and etc.
I discuss now two different server types: a database server and a DNS-server.
database server
A database server is a software component than a hardware component, It can provide database services to other programs exist in the same computer or any other network. A database server works in the client-server architecture, and this is ensured by the Database Management System you use. Thus, a database server is always ready to send information sought by its clients.
DNS-server-is computer saver that contains a database that containe with public IP address and their hostnames and in most cases, serves to decide those common names to IP addresses as requested.
server selection-this is responsible for central storage and management data file that send and receive request from another end user.
2.3 Discuss inter-dependence of workstation hardware with network components.
Computers that humans use are generally considered as workstations. A typical workstation is a computer that is configured with a network interface card, networking software, and the appropriate cables. Workstations do not necessarily need large storage hard drives, because files can be saved on the file server. Almost any computer can serve as a network workstation.
When workstation needs to use a network component like a printer, the server will have to connect with that network component. I.e. server must connect on behalf of all the diskless workstations, in some occasion This can lead to congestions and increase in traffic.
TASK 3.1 Design a networked system to meet a given specification
Here my network system design screenhot C:\Users\AISOSA\Dropbox\Screenshots\Screenshot 2017-07-18 11.42.34(2).png
Switch connect from the router that link all 5 PC changed Interface FastEthernet0/3, changed state to up
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/3, changed state to and port link with IP Address from 192.168.0 to 192.168.07and mask number 255.255.2550.
Task 3.2 Evaluate the design you have produced for 3.1 is validated in terms of user feedback and other key factors e.g. future provision and use of proposed technology.
In task 3.i design my Toplogy by using physical locations tools like switch, PC, Server,Router, and cables by use by using IP address and mask number 255.255.2550, troubleshooting and planin connection between routers and all the dievices on the network are well tested.
user feedback-Routed everoment : location server room device, workstations perispherals, devices access routers distributilon router, core layer 3 switches.
*Well design network ,
* stakeholders quality expetations service.
*there was congestion on the network.
*our devices are affordale price.
Task 4.1 Implement a network system based on the proposed design. You are required to use means of simulation software, establish a network according to the design in task 3
Screenshot of a network tropolgy configuration
C:\Users\AISOSA\Dropbox\Screenshots\Screenshot 2017-07-20 20.40.46.png
Another screenshot of tested netwok.
C:\Users\AISOSA\Dropbox\Screenshots\Screenshot 2017-07-18 11.42.34(2).png
in my first network I connect 5 pc to the switch an IP address set.
the reason why there is no contact from the first physical topology and second topology is that IP address is not set
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is the protocol that was used by network devices (such as PCs, network printers, Switches Servaer ) that automatically obtain correct network limitations in other to access network and Internet resources such as IP Address, Default Gateway, Domain Name, DNS Servers and more
Router- This device forwards data packets along networks. It is connected to at least three network, it also located at the gatway where all the network connected with is own IP address.
All the networks adevice from switch between LAN segments. Switches operate at the data link layer the network layer (layer 3) of LANs that use switches to join segments are called switched LANs or, in the case of Ethernet networks, switched Ethernet LANs.
Htt//www.Networking for Dummie
Task 4.2 Test network systems to meet user requirements. Your testing includes functionality of the network to ensure that your developed network will operate seamlessly in a physical environment so that it can satisfy user requirements.
The network is design and testing have being conducted.
C:\Users\AISOSA\Dropbox\Screenshots\Screenshot 2017-07-18 11.42.34(2).png
the Network is fully designed line of high-quality IP (Internet Protocol) Network topology. connect directly with from Router to every PC and switch, the network includes a wide range of IP Network topology, Servers, and other Accessories at various price points and capabilities.
Htt//www.Networking for Dummie
Task 4.3 Document and analyse test results against expected results
Task 4.4 recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems.
in task 4.1 I have already talk DHCP, ROUTERS, SWITCH
* .
* DNS-( Domain Name System) this is lcint sever that communicate automatically with the network
* QoS-(Qulity of service) this is software that enables composite networks to control a positive variety of network applications and traffic types.