Use the Internet to find ways that some companies currently destroy their data before discarding their computers. Next, locate at least three programs that permanently can destroy data on a hard disk. Finally, prepare a report recommending to your instruc

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Name                : Yen Zhuo Sheng

I/D No                : I11008652

Lecturer        : Chong Fong Kim

Programme        : BMAUH

Due Date        : 26-02-2012



Topic #5

Most companies and government agencies make extensive efforts to protect the data and information stored on their computers. When a computer reaches the end of its useful life, it either is recycled or thrown away. Although the obsolete computer does not perform well, if at all, the data on hard disk often is intact. For this reason, companies and government agencies take precautionary measures to remove the data and information so that someone else cannot recover it and use it for malicious purposes. Use the Internet to find ways that some companies currently destroy their data before discarding their computers. Next, locate at least three programs that permanently can destroy data on a hard disk. Finally, prepare a report recommending to your instructor which method or program is the best for destroying data so that nobody can recover it.

  1. INTRODUCTION        

Endeavours have been made by many companies to safeguard the data and information stored on their computers.  This is mainly because any loss of information would impact the entire business, with an effect that would be catastrophic. The names and addresses of customers and suppliers, contact details of company personnel, financial accounts, or design ideas and intellectual property are part of the business information that companies must protect.

        There are many alternatives to protect the data in a computer. For examples, applying password-protect methods, adopting Encrypting File System (EFS) encryption and disk encryption, hiding data with steganography and making good use of IP security (Deb Shinder, 2006). The methods stated above will no doubt effectively increase the difficulty for others to access our data easily.

        However, there is a time when the computer will reach the end of its useful life. Normally, people will either recycle it or throw it away. Although the obsolete computer does not perform well, if at all, the data on hard disk often is contact. Now, here comes the main question which we should ponder. What should we do with those valuable data?

        Most of the time, people choose to take precautionary measures to remove the data and information so that someone else cannot recover it and use it for malicious purposes. In this assignment, we are going to look into the issue by studying the ways that companies destroy their data before they discard their computers. Also, we are going to conduct a research on those common programs that people prefer to use to destroy the data on a hard disk.

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If you are going to replace out-dated computers, servers, or storage media, like tapes, it is necessary to purge all the business data that currently exists on those devices as stated by Martin (2011). According to Martin (2011), destroying data needs you to go beyond simply dragging a folder on your desktop to the trash can.

Martin (2011) states that according to a chapter on security considerations in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook, three are three techniques commonly used for ...

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