A decade after Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) destroyed the original terminator, a second unstoppable killing machine (Arnold Scharzenegger) (Arnolds character died in the first instalment) arrives from the future in 2029, but this time his mission is to stop and even deadlier terminator in the name of ‘T1000, (Robert Patrick), whom is made entirely of metal and determined to kill young John Connor (Edward Furlong) Sarah Connors son, whom to remind you is the future leader of the human resistance. Sarah, john and the terminator descent by going after the scientist responsible for developing Skelet, the computer system fated to kill humanity, successful they achieve their mission.
At this time the graphics were fair beyond unbelievable and unimaginable, they were top-class never-ever seen before, they were mind-blowing, especially the graphical scenes featuring T-1000, this film left you on the edge of your seats, I personally rate this one of my all time favourite films with the rentless Arnold Schwarzneeger.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day is an action packed blockbuster with awesome special effects of that time which leaved the world stunned by its computer technology, which now is much more graphical technology. This was one of the most popular films of the 1990’s, possibly all-time.
James Cameron (director) made ‘Terminator’ and ‘Terminator 2:Judgement Day very unique. He made them science fiction in the future. Terminator 1 was the film of its era making Arnold Schwarznegger into a superstar actor making millions of dollars.
Both films are very similar to each other with moreleass unusual plots. Terminator 1 was one of the first science fiction films which had been set in the future which made it odd, unusual and unforgettable, it smashed box office records in 1984, so did ‘Terminator 2: Judgement Day in 1991 being extremely more successful.
Schwarznegger, from Austria wasn’t in record achieving blockbusters until these massive hits, he starred in unsuccessful films such as: Con the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, Red Sonja, Red Heat etc until he got called up for this film which really he made a name for himself.
James Cameron used the old enemy style in both films with T-1000 (Robert Patrick) being the distant enemy which creates tension, suspense and presenting the ‘showcase of the immortal’’, terminator vs. T-1000 many times during the film.
Cameron presents these two films in very similar kind of ways, they are both virtually set in dark light, a lot of fighting to grip the audience with and be emotionally stunned
Cameron presented explosive endings during scenes in the second terminator, which grabbes and catches the viewers attention to watch it again and again, which is possibly the better of the two-terminator movies.
Also both films have complicated plots, eg: The terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) eg: The terminator is sent from the future to kill Sarah Connor and her son, John Connor, the future leader of the human resistance. Sarah can only rely on Reese a soldier whom is sent from the future to protect John from the evil terminator.
This plot looks kinder weird and very complicated, but alternatively if you actually watch it, you won’t understand even a second of it, it’s a very deeply complexed film, which makes this film so different compared to others, also it’s very fictionous (sent from the future) can never happen. The second movie, made seven years later, has also the weird and very complicated watching plot which is very similar to the first instalment.
Lighting Effects: Both films convey lighting effects during the films. The darkness shows a big bad culture as the darkness represents Arnold Schwarzengger’s character as a bade in some sense. Also the darkness represents violence, extreme tolerance. Although in the second film, the darkness is represented by T-1000 (Robert Patrick) as the bad guy. So the darkness in both films represents and symbolizes bad machines (robots)
The famous soundtrack of the Terminator films ‘Independence Day’, speeds up the tempo of the film when something frightening is happening in the film, creating immortal suspense.
I have noticed that more a less every film set in the future (including Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day) are presented very unrealistically trying to show this very unimaginable thing might end up as our future in years to come.
Now robots are now becoming more popular and in about 20-40 years we could see the unimaginable thing, killer robots, so sci-fi films are showing our future as technology is becoming revolutionary, technology is our future as James Cameron try's to show and convey in Terminator 1 and 2, it seems like these days these things may just happening and films are just predicting our future.