Analyse and evaluate the theatrical teaser trailer for the film Gladiator.

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Analyse and evaluate the theatrical teaser trailer for the film Gladiator

The purpose of a trailer is to persuade as many people to pay to see the full-length film. It is simply an advert for the film. The trailer shows the potential audience what to expect from the film for example its genre; its main characters its theme or themes and its plotline. The trailer for Gladiator we have seen was a theatrical teaser; these are usually very short (under one minute) and are released before the full theatrical trailer. Their purpose is to create awareness and interest in the film. Trailers are designed to target specific audiences, the target audience could be small and well defined for example white eight to ten year olds, or it might be more general for example all men. When a trailer is produced, different aspects are deliberately included or excluded to appeal to different audiences. These appeals could be star appeal; where a particular actor or director is emphasised; the appeal of action or violence; romantic appeal; sex appeal; comic appeal or escapist appeal. Typically action is stereotypically aimed towards men so trailers containing action are put in the advert breaks within a stereotypically male program for example one about cars and trailers containing romance would be placed within stereotypically female programs such as soaps.

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Gladiator fits into the epic genre. An epic is usually based on a historical event or a myth from the distant past. Often set within a great civilisation such as the Roman Empire or ancient Egypt. Epics are always done on a grand scale, with large-scale action involving huge casts in historically accurate, vast sets and with all the cast wearing costumes that typify the period. Epics have a hero who is inspirational and is almost super human; every man wants to be him and every woman wants them. The hero fights evil with heroism, bravery and nobility. A ...

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