Analyse and explain the way in which a moral issue has been dealt with in a film Intro This essay looks at the film Brokedown palace

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Analyse and explain the way in which a moral issue has been dealt with in a film


This essay looks at the film Brokedown palace. It looks at the two main characters, Alice and Darlene as they finish school. The film focuses on the lies they tell and the severe consequences that result from their lies. In this essay I will consider each of these lies, the consequences that result. I will analyse how the film deals with this.

Lie one

What looks like an insignificant lie at the start of the film turns out to have major consequences for Alice and Darlene. Darlene lies to her parents about where they are going. They tell their parents that they are going to Hawaii but actually they are going to Thailand. When they go to jail, Darlene realises that her parents have no idea where she is and they won't be able to contact her. The film highlights the consequences for each lie. I think it does this well because it shows the lie being told and then later on in the film it shows the consequences in good detail.
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Lie two

Other lies that the two girls tell change their lives very much, making the audience understand what can happen when you lie. It makes the audience reflect on this as the consequences are so bad.

Lie three

The difference between Alice and Darlene puts emphasis on the moral issue of lies. This is emphasised when they both go to prison and Alice realises that she is to blame for them both going to prison. If Alice had told Darlene about her encounter with nick parks and the pass he made towards Alice, Darlene ...

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