Analysis Of "Mission Impossible 2" And "Die Another Day" Video Covers.

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Analysis Of “Mission Impossible 2” And

“Die Another Day” Video Covers

Video covers are mainly used as marketing tools; they are designed to grab the audience’s attention in video stores. The video covers that I am going to discuss are for action films. In order to discuss the persuasive techniques of the film covers that I have chosen I will analyse the language and format of them. The video covers employ different methods and techniques in order to manipulate the audience. I will be analysing two film covers. The first cover is “Mission Impossible 2” and the second is the James Bond film “Die Another Day.” Both of these covers are from modern films and are aimed at the modern audience.

Video covers are generally laid out with information on the left side of the cover with an image from the film on the right hand side. The middle of the cover is a strip that contains the film title and normally has a smaller image of the main image, which is on the right hand side of the cover. When the cover is folded into the video case the image on the right of the cover is at the front of the case with the writing on the rear. The middle strip which contains the title and image is on the side of video case. The middle strip is very important as video films can be stacked together and only the side of the case may be visible initially. Although the middle strip only accounts for approximately one eighth of the total area of the video cover it has to contain enough interesting information to make somebody look at it closely and want to pull the video out to see the rest of the video cover.

The first video film cover that I am going to analyse is the “Mission Impossible 2,” film cover. The purpose of the cover is to make the audience aware of the genre of the film. The front cover consists of an image of the main character in the film at the forefront with fire in the background. Fire and explosions are iconography associated with action films.

Mission Impossible 2 is often abbreviated to MI2 which is a connotation of the other film I am going to discuss “Die another Day.” This being as James Bond works for MI6 which is all about peace keeping. However you would not realise this from the cover of  Die Another Day which shows explosions which is not about peace keeping.

On the Mission Impossible 2 film cover the back part of the cover is split up into five rows. The first row is a single extract from a newspaper critic’s article which is designed to immediately attract the audience’s attention that the main character in the film is played by a top Hollywood star, Tom Cruise. The extract is short but the few words “Tom Cruise is on the very top of his charismatic form,” would grab the attention of the reader straight away especially if they are Tom Cruise fans. The word “very,” is very important as this emphasises that the film will not be mediocre due to Tom Cruise’s performance. This also raises audience expectations because they know his acting ability and the type of films he appears in. This also raises the audience’s expectations of the film as they know what Tom Cruise’s acting is like and the type of film he appears in.

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The Mission Impossible film is based on an old television series and the younger audience are unlikely to have much knowledge of the series. They are more likely to look at who the star is in the film to determine their interest. However, there is a potential for a wider audience mix with this film as there will be older people who are aware of the old television series and may be attracted to the film for this reason rather than who the star of the film is.

The second row contains a series of photographs of ...

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