The BBC was established in 1926 as a public corporation.  It was established by an act of Parliament, Royal Charter, and a statement about what the organisation is and what it is there for.  BBC has multiple objectives which it has to deliver against and these are:

Strengthening BBC programmes and services

  • Underpin the BBC’s public service remit by extending the range and quality of its radio and television services, with a focus on broadcasting more high-impact, memorable programmes, particularly arts and current affairs.
  • Strengthen the BBC’s digital services, to ensure that the overall portfolio has something of value for everyone, provides a wide range of interactive learning opportunities and helps to drive digital take-up.

Connecting with all audiences

  • Bring younger audiences to BBC services by developing bold and innovative programmes and content with a particular focus on making the BBC’s news and current affairs more relevant and engaging for this group without diminishing the BBC’s commitment to parliamentary reporting.
  • Continue to seek new ways of attracting audiences from the UK’s ethnic minorities, through both mainstream and targeted services.
  • Ensure that the BBC is meeting the needs of audiences in all nations and regions of the UK.

Transforming the BBC

  • Make the BBC feel a more creative, collaborative and exciting organisation, in which all staff fully understand its purpose and values.
  • Ensure that the BBC is more representative of the audiences it serves. In particular:
  1. Increase the proportion of people with disabilities working for the BBC.

Providing better value

  • Continue to increase the amount of money available to spend on the BBC’s public services with a particular focus on:
  1. Increasing the cash flow to the BBC from improved license fee collection
  2. Increasing the contribution of the BBC’s commercial subsidiaries to its public services further reducing overheads
  3. Improving efficiency in programme production whilst maintaining quality of output.

Enhancing the BBC’s reputation at home and abroad

  • Earn greater appreciation from UK audiences for the BBC as an open, creative and trusted public service organisation.
  • Build on the impact made by the BBC’s global news services in the past year through a co-coordinated global news strategy across radio, television and new media

The objectives of the BBC have changed over the years since it was established.  Firstly, more minority groups have immigrated into the UK therefore as a public service broadcaster; they have specific obligations to meet the needs of minorities and special interest groups. Secondly, because research suggests minority ethnic groups tend to use BBC services less than the majority of white audiences. Thirdly, because if the BBC fails to reflect in its programming the multiculturalism that the young in particular now take for granted, there is a real danger of becoming irrelevant to major parts of the audience.  

Two specific measures have been taken to try to bring more disabled people into the BBC workforce. New guidelines have been produced on recruiting and employing disabled people,

Ensuring that the legal responsibilities laid down in the Disability Discrimination Act are met in full. The BBC has established an Access Unit and set aside funds to help meet adjustment costs.

In addition, the Extend work experience scheme, which offers three months’ work experience for qualified disabled people, has created many new opportunities.


The BBC has also become more commercialized as they are trying to get a higher share of viewers.  They have come under great external scrutiny as well as increasing commercial competitive pressures, and they know a modern business has to understand the drivers of its performance in order to prepare itself for this very tough competitive environment.

BBC has also reviewed its strategy and has made this into a system which supported their strategic business.  

The BBC is a corporate body, governed by a Board of Governors, as provided for in the Charter.  The independence of the BBC is noted in the preamble to the Charter and explicitly guaranteed in Clause 2.1 of the Agreement in the following terms:

“The Corporation shall be independent in all matters concerning the content of its programmes and the times at which they are broadcast or transmitted and in the management of its affairs.”

The governing structure, both internal and regulatory, is not conducive to ensuring respect for independence in practice, notwithstanding the formal guarantee. Too much power is concentrated in the hands of the government, both directly and indirectly through its powers of appointment of the Governors. Crude interference in the running of the BBC is rare, though not unknown, but more subtle pressure undoubtedly exists and has been the subject of some debate. Despite this, it would appear that there was little support during the White Paper process in 1994 for reducing government control by establishing an independent broadcasting council to take over functions currently exercised by or by making the BBC subject to the jurisdiction of the existing independent broadcasting regulators.

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Their functions which include: approving clear objectives and monitoring compliance with those objectives; ensuring that the Corporation meets the highest standards of probity, propriety and value for money; and setting the overall strategy for the various services (Home, World and Commercial). For the Home Services, this strategy should "ensure that the Corporation’s services, programmes and other activities reflect the needs and interests of the public." The Governors are also responsible for ensuring appropriate consultation with the various Councils and due regard for the views of listeners; monitoring fulfillment of legal and contractual obligations; and appointing a Director General and other ...

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