(COM 502)



COMMUNICATION is the process of sharing our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with other people and having those ideas, thoughts, and feelings understood by the people we are talking with.  When we communicate we speak, listen, and observe.  The way we communicate is a learned style. As children we learn from

watching our parents and other adults communicate. As an adult we can learn to improve the way we communicate by observing others who communicate effectively, learning new skills, and practicing those skills.

Communication can best be summarized as the transmission of a message from a sender to a receiver in an understandable manner. The importance of effective communication is immeasurable in the world of business and in personal life. Communication is an important aspect in our lives and an even more important aspect in the lives of people who play the roles of leaders.  From a business perspective, effective communication is an absolute must, because it commonly accounts for the difference between success and failure or profit and loss. It has become clear that effective business communication is critical to the successful operation of modern enterprise. Every business person needs to understand the fundamentals of effective communication.

The field of communications is very broad and thus communication theories also spread over a wide variety of situations.


The Communication Process breakdown as follows:

A.         Sender – The communicator or sender is the person who is sending the message. There are two factors that will determine how effective the communicator will be. The first factor is the communicator’s attitude. It must be positive. The second factor is the communicator’s selection of meaningful symbols, or selecting the right symbols depending on your audience and the right environment. Talk about a few wrong examples.

B.        Message – A communication in writing, in speech, or by signals;

C.         Receiver – The receiver is simply the person receiving the message, making sense of it, or understanding and translating it into meaning. Now think about this for a moment: the receiver is also a communicator. How can that be? (When receiver responds, he is then the communicator.) Communication is only successful when the reaction of the receiver is that which the communicator intended. Effective communication takes place with shared meaning and understanding.

D.         Feedback – Feedback is that reaction I just mentioned. It can be a verbal

or nonverbal reaction or response. It can be external feedback (something we see) or internal feedback (something we can’t see), likeself-examination. It’s the feedback that allows the communicator to adjust his message and be more effective. Without feedback, there would be no way of knowing if meaning had been shared or if understanding had taken place.

Communicating is not an isolated series of one skill, it involves several skills. For example, speaking involves not only getting your message across but also being able to listen and understand what others are saying (active listening) and observing the verbal and nonverbal clues in order to monitor the effectiveness of your message.


Communication as a named and unified discipline has a history of contestation that goes back to the , in many ways making it the first and most contestatory of all early sciences and philosophies.  first addressed the problem of communication and attempted to work out a theory of it in . He was primarily focused on the art of persuasion. A monologue (speak to self) is also a method of communication even if the person involved does not have any audition but himself.  and  viewpoints and theories dominated the discipline prior to the twentieth century, when more scientific methodologies and insights from , ,  and  began to influence communication thought and practice.

Seeking to define "communication" as a static word or unified discipline may not be as important as understanding communication as a family of resemblances with a plurality of definitions as  had put

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Theory is the ultimate goal of science.  Theories are general statements that summarize our understandings of the way the world work.  In the field of mass communication, much of the theory in the past has been implicit. People have relied on folklore, traditional wisdom, and common sense to guide much of the practice of mass communication.  Sometime these assumptions are never even stated or written down anywhere.  Other times they take the forms of oversimplified aphorisms or maxims.  Many of these assumptions would benefit from being tested through research.  In any of these cases, the media practitioners ...

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