Comparing 'Schindlers List' and 'Life is Beautiful' and how they present the Holocaust.

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Comparing 'Schindlers List' and

'Life is Beautiful' and how they present the Holocaust

The films 'Schindlers List' and 'Life is Beautiful' are both about the Holocaust in World War Two. The mass murder of the Jews in Europe is a very hard subject to make a film about, and both directors approach the topic in different ways.

In the opening sequence of 'Schindlers List', is in colour. It is a match being struck, lighting a candle with a Jewish family praying around it. When the candle burns out, the family is no longer there, conveying a sense of death. The camera follows the line of smoke up, which cleverly changes into the smoke of an old (war time) steam train. The film is now in black and white.

'Life is Beautiful' is opened by a slapstick comedy scene where Guido is introduced with a friend, driving down a road when the brakes fail. The director creates a sense of happiness, and it is funny when they drive through a crowd, ready for the king. Guido is waving to get the crowd out of the way. They think he is the king giving the Nazi salute, so they return this gesture. This signals that the Germans are coming. During this, there is a sense of juxtaposition when Guido remarks, "We are going to die!" This is a signal of things to come. As the setting of 'Life is Beautiful' is in the beautiful Italian countryside, it puts the audience into a sense of false security that nothing can go wrong.
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The introduction of Osker Schindler is quite interesting. He is clearly rich / wealthy, and is listening to classical music. This shows that he lives a very high life. The viewer finds out that he is a proud member of the Nazi party, when he pins his badge to his lapel. He is a very sociable person who is keen to make an impression on people, and wants to be noticed. Osker thinks that money is worth everything, and buys his way into high society. He draws people toward him and is very clever.

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