For A2 practical work, I chose to work in the medium of television, in the hope to produce a short film to be broadcast on television.

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Eddie Poole

For A2 practical work, I chose to work in the medium of television, in the hope to produce a short film to be broadcast on television. For my A/S, I produced the 1st 3mins of a film thriller, working indepently. This year there were three others in my group Francis Anon Burton, Chris Welbeck and Mathew Sheedy.


We began by  putting forward ideas in order to gain some sort of narrative on which we could expand our ideas. Originally Francis Anon was working independently, and hence he had a few provisional plans onto which we could deliberate. The over riding theme that wanted to be exposed through our film was domestic violence. After much deliberation we formulated a narrative that everyone was happy to pursue. Many compromises had to be made along the process to formulating our final narrative, such conflicts included that of characters that would be major protagonists in the story. Half the group felt that the story should involve tension between a mother and father, whereas the other half felt it should pursue tension between father and son. After much planning we mutually felt that the latter idea would be more practical.

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Basically, it was about a boy that has been getting abused by a drunken step father, with his original mother murdered by his step Dad he has no where to go and is forced to live with him. After several drunken beatings and constant domestic abuse, the young lad finally finds the confidence to confront his stepfather. In a steamy confrontation the boy ends up stabbing his stepfather bringing a sombre end to the film. We decided that with this film we would be able to add hidden messages, through various connotations and we were also intrigued with the ...

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