How does 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' subvert the horror genre?

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How does ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ subvert the horror genre?There are rules and conventions to every horror film and television programme that make the piece horror. The vast majority of horror films also stick to the ‘rules’ that it’s predecessors have set, the most common of these being that men are heroes and women are victims. For example, the film ‘Valentine’, a typical horror film which portrays the rules thoroughly. The men all become heroes, if the women show any trace of sexual behaviour they are killed, they keep information from each other and often go off alone, and the women don’t seem to know how to defend themselves. The fact that the film sticks to these rules makes it end up as an unsuccessful, stagnant piece of drama. However ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’, although having many of the conventions of a typical horror film (such as demons, and events taking place in secluded, darkened settings) manages to subvert the genre in many ways, making it unique entertainment, but still being a comedy-horror piece of television. In this essay I will discuss the ways in which the programme does this. One of the main ways in which ‘Buffy’ subverts the horror genre is shown in the group dynamic of the ‘Scooby gang.’ The way that the group works differs from the typical horror film in a number of ways. These are made very clear if you compare them to the group of girls in ‘Valentine’, consisting of four main characters, and are typical of a conventional horror film. They are a very ‘male-gendered’ group in that they keep secrets from each other, are all portrayed as helpless, and even when told not to they split up and go off on their own, which makes it easier for the villain to attack. In ‘Buffy’ when it is necessary to split up, whenever possible they go in a group of at least two to ensure their personal safety. The group of friends also make it easier for the villain to be defeated, as each member has their own assets, which contribute to this. Giles has numerous books on mythical creatures, which he often refers to, Angel, when in the ‘Scooby gang’ has myth and legend knowledge from the Vampire world, Xander seems to keep the group’s spirits up with his jokes and attitude and often has specialist knowledge, such as how to get the gun to destroy the ‘Judge’ in Surprise (season 2). Cordelia, although seemingly useless, does have her occasional uses to the ‘Scooby gang’ as scene in the episode Surprise when her looks and car are used as a distraction to the vampires. She is also what Buffy was before she became the Slayer. In herself, Cordelia subverts the whole horror genre as the way she acts would ensure her death in a typical film, yet she has never been targeted any more than other Sunnydale resident in the ‘Buffy’ programmes. Buffy often has physical fighting attributes of any Slayer, and she also
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has prophetic dreams. In a typical horror film she wouldn’t tell the group of these dreams, and would keep the information to herself, probably leading to her death. However she does tell Giles of these dreams, and asks him for guidance, thus subverting the genre. Finally, Willow is a witch and so her powers and knowledge of this world, and her spirit often help. This and the group essence of the ‘Scooby gang’ are especially prominent in the final episode of season 4 Primeval. Buffy is unable to overcome to villain alone, but a spell cast by the group, which ...

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