How has the future been shown inthe films you have studied?

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How has the future been shown in the films you have studied?

One of the most important factors or conventions of science fiction films is that it is always set in a dystopian future, which means the worst possible future. In the films there is lots of technology and gadgets, the film look technological because of the grey/silver filters which give it this look.

Science fiction is usually about fears held in society at the time the film is released, for example minority report tells us about fears of violent crime, murder being the most important shown in the film, as well as drugs.

Science films are popular because they have a lot of technology and gadgets in that appeal to young people, but also science fiction can appeal to people in their 20's and 30's because they are more concerned and aware of fears in society.

In metropolis Fritz Lang portrays how he thinks the future would be, which is that the city is divided into two, upper city for the rich and lower city for the poor. Upper city is set above ground and lower city is set underground.
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In upper city the buildings are closely packed and very tall, the low angle shots make them look this big. There is lots of technology for example planes, cars and trains all to help the rich people, lighting in upper city is very light and there is gardens that can be used by them. The characters in upper city wear very thick white make-up to show they are rich their actions are exaggerated and they wear white clothing. Because metropolis is a silent film the music is more important because there is no words, so it is used ...

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