How Might DVD 'Features' and 'Extras' Change the Audience's Experience of Films?

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How Might DVD ‘Features’ and ‘Extras’ Change the Audience’s Experience of Films?

Before the introduction of DVDs, audiences had no choice but to buy films in their VHS format. Although it is fair to say that some films have been released on VHS with bonus material (‘American Pie’, for example) the majority have not been, and DVD format offers this. DVD was released with an aim to create home cinema-style audio and visual entertainment in a single digital format. But are some DVDs being released with countless unneccessary extras that just pad out their extras count?

The way DVDs are now marketed; you can buy almost any film – whether it’s a new release or a classic – and as well as the film you are given ‘bonus’ footage and additional material to accompany it. Some viewers find this to be a burden, when all they want is the film.

Among the countless ‘extra features’ available on DVD to date, includes interactive menus, directors’ and/or actors’ commentary, deleted/extended scenes, alternative endings, “making-of” documentaries, original theatrical trailers and storyboards. These are to name just the most common. The big debate is whether all these added features enhance an audience’s viewing. As far as the film is concerned, most DVD reviewers tend to rate the film and the DVD (including extras) seperately, which could serve to suggest that extra features may or may not have a significant impact on an audience’s experience.

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Some people argue that deleted scenes are deleted for a reason, and that these as well as other extras can often be a distraction, interrupting the flow of the film itself. They also dispute that watching the original theatrical trailer(s) and TV spot(s) the first time around was bad enough, without watching the again on DVD release. This, they say, is what is to blame for the higher prices of DVD format – the fact is that you pay extra for all these extras that are called ‘bonus material’, whether you want them or not.

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