How useful is the concept of genre to media producers and audiences? Discuss with reference to specific examples.

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How useful is the concept of genre to media producers and audiences? Discuss with reference to specific examples.

All areas of media such as film, TV and music can be classified into recognisable types also known as genre. These can be divided by what is known as sub-genre. For example a film such as ‘Rush hour’ can be classified into category of action-comedy. The main element of the film is action but has comedy within it so would fit into the sub-genre of action-comedy. Generic codes repeat with regularity and are useful to the producer of the film, the people who make it and the audience alike.

Genre is a very useful tool, for the people whose idea it is to make the film, to the audience who finally consume it. The use of genre makes advertising a particular film an easier process. A film poster is quite an important aspect of a films advertising. This therefore means what is advertised on the poster is very important. The genre of the film must be instantly recognisable by a potential consumer of the film. ‘Cabin Fever’ is a film where the genre is quickly recognised by the audience. The poster shows a hut in the distance, with a forest around it but only red and black colours are used. The use of the colours signifies to the audience blood and horror. The designer of the poster has used these colours because of the way audiences sub-consciously or not recognises certain generic codes. We often associate red with blood and also death, though on its own would not signify a horror film so we see a hut in the wilderness. Though most people would be able to tell this is a horror film at the top of the poster it says “Terror…In the flesh.” Each genre will appeal to different people as everyone has their own tastes, so it is important for the producers of the film to use the codes and conventions associated with the film so that what is advertised applies to the genre it suggests. Part of the success of the advertising campaign echoes from previous examples of that genre. A science fiction film may feature something that the audience will relate to, such as in ‘Independence day’ where we see the distant earth with spaceships. We know what the genre will be and therefore whether to chose to see it.

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A proportion of the audience will go and see a film based on who directs it. Where a film is sold on the personality of the director, this is known as the auteur theory. These films are sold on the director’s particular style and these films are a success because of it. Occasionally these films are often hard to categorise into a genre, as the director’s individual style can mean they do not follow the conventions of a genre. Tarrantino is a director famous for his individual style. Two of his most well known films, ‘Resevoir Dogs’ ...

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This essay does present one side of the argument that "genre is "useful" to producers and consumers" but presents no evidence or research for the other side of the argument, perhaps because the author is not fully aware of the historical materialist critique that underpins genre theory. This is a great pity, because in film studies there are several excellent critiques of various manners in which this capitalistic/consumeristic way of looking at film limits the kinds of experiences, effects and meanings that cinema can have. There are, for example, very good arguments to the effect that the commodification of cinema has resulted in a reactionary system of representation where "the meaning of things" is controlled by an economic elite that seeks to exploit and control the audience (to make money out of it). This critique points out that this way of doing cinema consistently reiterates a very limited spectrum of stereotypes of gender, class and ethnicity that is in the interests of the political status quo which benefits the economic and cultural elite, and actively prevents the audience from "seeing things in a different way" in case it threatens their profits and power. Still, a good solid analysis, detailed if not deep. Current grade 3 stars, possibly less if the marker is a real stickler for good grammar - the writing is sometimes very poor indeed!