Sometimes we see that in this films (specially in the first Quarter) dialogue and communication are for making fun of the other person. For example when at first the boys (Quincy and his friends) are playing basketball with Monica, he says: “In the future I’m going to be in NBA and you (Monica) are going to be my cheerleader. This sentence is more for making fun of Monica and other girls and trying to convince them that girls can’t play basketball and basically any kind of sport.
Nonverbal communication plays a significant role in this movie. For example when they are dancing in the party with their partners, Quincy and Monica look at each other however they are with some body else. That shows that they have feelings for each other and they want each other. Although they never talk about it, the way that they act and nonverbally communicate proves the fact that the love each other.
Another example of nonverbal communication is when Monica is playing basketball and she talks to herself and she is careful to not lose the ball and she constantly reminds herself that she can score and make her team win the game. She looks at the loop and she is confident she can score the ball.
The other example of nonverbal communication is when the referee says that the ball is for the other team and she looks so frustrated and we can tell buy looking at her that she is very mad and by that face she wants to complain to the referee and his decision towards the game.
We see a lot of examples of stereotyping in Love and Basketball. We see in this movie that black characters aren't drug dealers, criminals or other racial stereotypes — and instead are more normal people with more down-to-earth concerns.
The stereotype that presented in all of the movies was the dependency of women upon men. Male characters always participated in helping a female-character to reach the success.
Monica's love to a basketball player was an important part on her way to glory. The rejection of her love by man was one of the main moments that made her want to practice even harder. The stereotype here is that Monica as she was a kid, wears boyish clothes, shun typically girly clothing, and prefer to spend their time with boys. Of course, the movie makes it amply clear that this girl only wants to play sports with the boys and she has no sexual interest in them.
Another stereotype in this film is that Monica loves Quincy, but she never lets him see that until after prom night; before then, they are simply neighbors, friends and ballplayers.
Characters have good ability of self-disclosure. From the beginning we see that Quincy introduces himself as a kid who plays basketball and his father is a famous man in basketball. In another part he introduce himself as someone who knows the whole neighborhood and he says: “If any body messes with you, just let me know, because I run this street”. But when we get to second part of movie (second Quarter) we realize that as the kids grow up they become less talkative about their personal information and revealing them. Monica loves Quincy but she doesn’t tell any one and she hides it. And also we see that Quincy’s father is cheating on his wife without telling any one but later on he tells to his son (Quincy) so he would tell his mom, but it’s too late because she already knows about it by putting a spy on him. That causes them to ruin their life and not having a happy life and family after that.
The other example of self-disclosure is when Monica tells Quincy that she loves number 32 because of some certain basketball player and she says that he is her hero, that’s why she has number 32 everywhere and on everything that she’s wearing like her shoes and her jersey.
The dialogues are very predictable and the story line comes up short of moving the audience. In other words, the love story between Quincy and Monica becomes pretty cheesy. Basically the characters take lessons from each other except the time that they get to argue. For example in the first part of the movie we see that Quincy as a little boy says: “ I can’t do this.” And then his father immediately says: “never say that word, never say you can’t.” but when it comes to part that Monica and Quincy are both grown up, in the part that they are in the car, Quincy argues with Monica about her attitude and manners and he thinks she is rude and offensive and that’s why she can’t get to a good basketball team. Basically a lot of times the dialogues are funny but at the same time it teaches the listener something, but usually the listener comes up with a respond and they often solve their problem through talking and we hardly ever see that they get to real fight. For example we see that after Monica sees that Quincy is dancing with another girl in the party, she gets mad but the same night they start talking about their future and life and they start kissing and they forget about the past and bad things that happened before.
The film features great elements of conflict involving love, competition, unfaithfulness, sexual equality, trust, and family dynamics. Quincy's love for the game is somewhat reduced when his father fails him. Also, his love for Monica is something he does not truly realize until he is without her. Quincy was a stubborn, hardheaded type of kid who always had everything handed to him, later he would realize how tough things actually are. Monica grows up with an attitude that eventually catches up with her in college. After she tones down, her love for basketball turns into true passion as she really stands out in her sport. At first no one would expect that one day Monica would be a WNBA star, but soon she impresses her neighbors with her violent determination and skills. She grows as a woman and player, leading to conflicts between them over relationship versus career. Lost and angry, Quincy makes several decisions that send them off in different directions, only to have fate and passion bring them together once again.
The most mixed-up conflict in this movie is when Quincy discovers that his father has been cheating on his mom for years. This was so hard to predict and guess.
The other conflict is the time that Monica comes home to work at her father's bank, and she finds out that Quincy’s engaged to someone else, namely, Kyra who is instantly pegged as too superficial and too tall for the ever serious Quincy.
The film's message is that as a young, talented woman, you can have the glamorous career, you can have integrity and you can have the troubled, misogynistic man of your dreams. Maybe so, but we never get to see the divorce after the credits have rolled. In other words, the age-old power struggle between man and woman, appropriately depicted in the film as a culminating one-on-one game between Monica and Quincy, played for the wager of marriage, doesn't have to end in matrimony, but continues, perhaps, as a painful, yet rewarding game of basketball.
Healthy relationships can be characterized by respect, sharing and trust. They are based on the belief that both partners are equal, that the power and control in the relationship are equally shared. The relationships that people make in teen years will be a special part of their life and will teach them some of the most important lessons about who they are. The most important part of any healthy relationship between two people is being able to talk and listen to one another. You and the other person can figure out what your common interests are. You can share your feelings with the other person and trust that they will be there to listen and support you. In healthy relationships, people don't lie.
By listening carefully and sharing your thoughts and feelings with another person, you show them that they are an important part of your life. In healthy relationships, you learn to respect and trust important people in your life. In healthy relationships, working through disagreements often makes the relationship stronger. In healthy relationships, people respect each other for who they are. This includes respecting and listening to yourself and your feelings so you can set boundaries and feel comfortable.