Mission Impossible 2 Trailer.

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Mission Impossible 2 Trailer

The Trailer for the film Mission Impossible is full of action packed excitement and amazing stunts. The films distributor is a company by the name of Paramount, this is a large and respectable company and with its easily recognisable logo it attracts many people to see this film. This film has a wide range of features and the use of speed plays an important part in the film. For instance, at the beginning of the film it uses various types of effects like when the camera fast forwards to focus on the main actor ‘Tom Cruise’. Wide shots are also used on this film such as when Tom Cruise is climbing the mountain. The camera then uses various camera angles to bring out the intensity and action of the film. Just from watching the opening scene it already brings suspense and tension to the viewer and throughout this film there are many stunts and exhilarating scenes which really catch the viewer’s eye.

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          Tom Cruise plays a very important part in Mission Impossible 2 and his image and character has to stand out. For instance there’s a scene in the film where Tom Cruise is seen driving a motorbike. The camera uses a lot of different shots to bring out the gripping effects which really catches the viewer’s eye. It also makes the scene more powerful and intriguing. To make a successful film trailer another important issue is the famous names who star in the film and to show these names in the trailer. For instance Tom Cruise’s ...

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