Movie Review of Remember The Titans

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Movie Review of Remember The Titans

The film Remember The Titans based on a true story is set in Alexandria, Virginia is from the beginning made out to be yet another American high school sports movie like many other films made, however there is more to this feel good sports movie than just American football.

        If you are unaware 1971 played a vital role in bringing a separated community together, the divide of the community was between the black and the white races. This divide was made worse when two high schools; George Washington and Francis Hammond were changed into junior highs and T.C. Williams became the senior high school. One of the original high schools being predominantly white and the other predominantly black, the integrating of the schools created masses of tension and friction between the already rivalling races.

With an all-star cast being linked to real life characters in this motion picture, some may see it as trying to alter the history of T.C. Williams.

        Remember The Titans should not be watched if you are intending to see a sports movie, because although based around American football there is more depth in this story then just a game. It is based on the racial tension of a community being pushed to the limits as they are forced to work as a team.

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        The Film starts at a funeral, however we are unaware whose funeral it is and why the film decides to begin like this, but this soon becomes apparent as the narrator takes us back in time ten years.

        Here the film unfolds as we see an American football training session interrupted by news that a fight was taking place, between the separate races, like several other occasions within this film this may have been slightly dramatised, to try and show the tension between the races, and even after looking through the history of Alexandria, Virginia it is difficult to say ...

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The level of writing is quite poor, with the main weakness of relying on over-long sentences that uneasily conflate a bunch of different ideas into one messy whole. The level of analysis is fairly poor, too. The main error is in focussing the analysis upon the wrong thing e.g. several paragraphs are wasted listing the other films in which the main actors have appeared. In the context of such a short piece of writing, this is not a wise approach. At the very least, there should have been a clear reason for naming all the other roles, something that helped to elucidate the roles these actors play in THIS movie. 2 stars max.