Porgy and Bess Reaction.

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Benjamin Wulf


Jerome Stanley

Porgy and Bess Reaction

        Before Gershwin’s opera, Porgy and Bess, the interaction between blacks and whites was always controversial.  With the opening of Porgy and Bess, inequalities where put onto the stage for everyone to see, forever changing the opera community, transforming the audience and reinventing what opera is and what opera should be.  Gershwin’s opera was an invasion of the white-dominated theatrical world.  Whether the white theater goers liked it or not, they were going to have to view the individual and race wide struggles of African-American men and women in a three hour opera.  Porgy and Bess symbolizes something that is very much real.  It shows things in society that people did not want to acknowledge were there and it spawned an entire cultural awareness, leaving a vivid memory of injustice and inequality.  

        The idea of an opera being dominated by blacks was unimaginable at the time.  Without even mentioning the story, this was an amazing breakthrough for blacks, although it was not achieved without struggle.  They had to fight for respect as performers and where under appreciated and under paid and were forced to perform in front of a segregated audience.  

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        The opera acts out the undeserved hardships that African Americans were facing on a day to day basis.  In the opera, they all work on a plantation, little more than slaves.  For survival, they either share crop or marry a share cropper.  Without any land of their own, they are forced to rely on the same white man who makes their lives miserable.  

        Each and every share cropper lives in fear of their white boss who basically regards them as property because he has control the destiny each individual.  It is the white man that carries the black man ...

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