Practical Production Brief For "Insidious".

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Practical Production Brief For “Insidious”

For my practical production I am working in a group of three to produce a film opening for a thriller called ‘Insidious’.  We chose this title because the denotation for insidious are sinister, dangerous, subtle and menacing; which all relate to the story of our film.  My responsibilities in this film are the Soundtrack, Editing and Packaging.  My other two partners in the group will be responsible for Storyboarding, Logging Shots, Camera Work and Scripting.  We will be using a Mini-DV camera, a floodlight, Microsoft Windows Movie Maker 2, Adobe Premiere 6.5, Adobe After Effects 5.5, Adobe Photoshop 7, Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7.04 and Hollywood FX Gold.

In the opening scene, a male intruder will murder a woman in her house.  There will be no dialogue in the film opening, as we will be relying on other conventions to help tell the scene in a particular way.  Also, we have decided not to reveal the killers motive in the opening scene.  This is because we believe it would create more suspense if the audience did not know the reason for the attack.

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The setting for the film will be in the woman’s house.  We will be following one popular convention used in suspense films, setting the film during night time in the rain.  The combination of the rain and the dark has the connotation of evil and secrecy.  Audiences are fearful of things unknown, things veiled, things enshrouded in darkness.

During filming we will not be using any zoom shots.  We have decided this because looking at many other suspense/thriller films we noticed that instead of zoom shots tracking shots were used, which made the film look more professional.  This ...

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