The setting for the film will be in the woman’s house. We will be following one popular convention used in suspense films, setting the film during night time in the rain. The combination of the rain and the dark has the connotation of evil and secrecy. Audiences are fearful of things unknown, things veiled, things enshrouded in darkness.
During filming we will not be using any zoom shots. We have decided this because looking at many other suspense/thriller films we noticed that instead of zoom shots tracking shots were used, which made the film look more professional. This is due to the fact that zoom shots can often be shaky and sometimes destroy the atmosphere of the film.
We will be using low-key lighting for our film, so that shadows are cast around our set providing a spooky atmosphere.
As there will be no dialogue in our film, the only diegetic sound used in the film will be of footsteps, and of opening/closing doors. This will create the effect of suspense on the audience because they will be expecting something to happen in the scene which would shock them by the loud sound of it. The main sound in the film will be non-diegetic in the form of background music. The background music will be playing throughout the film opening because the music we are using helps create the suspense and enables us to shock the audience with sudden changes in tempo and volume. The editing of the film will be in time with the soundtrack, another popular convention used in thriller films to shock the audience. We will mainly be using jump cuts, dissolves and fades.
Our film is aimed at 15-30 year olds, mainly males. This is because it is one of the ‘new generation’ thriller movies aimed at the younger generation, due to its type of violence and soundtrack, which would appeal to younger audiences within the range of 15-30 year olds. An example of these ‘new generation’ thriller movies would be Resident Evil, which uses new age music to appeal to fans who listen to that music (i.e. kids). We believe the film would appeal more to males rather than females because female audiences do not want to see the female characters portrayed so weakly as we have chosen to show them. In addition, the secondary audience for the film would be fans of the music used in the film. The film will be distributed via multiplex cinemas across England, America and Canada; not other countries due to the fact that we believe it would only be appealing to these western countries because it portrays life how it is lived in these countries and the audience will be able to identify with the music and film.
Our film is supporting the patriarchal views of our society because we are portraying males as more dominant and stronger than women. We have decided to do this because it is a main convention used by many thriller movies to have the female character as the victim.
The film will be representing young Asian adults and the struggles the go through in life. Although the film will contain many modern representations of the characters (e.g. Asian female wearing western clothing) it will still support the old representations of characters (e.g. female character the victim).
We have decided to have the narrative of the film in a simple unravelling form. This is because when looking at other thriller films we have noticed this was the most popular type of narrative used, because it kept the audience on the edge of their seats and wanting to know what happens next as it slowly unravelled the plot to them . The way we will do this is by only revealing the killers identity at the very end of the opening scene.