The concept of genre in films

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Parry Lotay                09/05/2007

The concept of genre in films

Why is the idea of genre in films important? Refer in detail to at least two films in your answer.

Genre a French term with Latin roots for “type” or “category of narrative,” when it is applied to film, it shows a group of linked or similar films. The purpose of genre is to identify what category each film belongs to, they are not closed, they are partly open systems which need to stay in the same order to survive, but genres can also change and innovate. Genre changes with the audiences’ different needs and trends, so when people get bored with a particular genre they change it so the audience enjoy it more. Genres very clearly work in terms of film production, and marketing. Audiences find familiar genres very appealing. Genres then work through social concerns, producing new experiences for the audience and providing the audience with new knowledge. It could then be argued that genres simply reproduce existing social relations and if so they are no more than rigid and unchanging stereotypes.

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Genre is one of the most easily identifiable means of classifying films because it is so readily used by the film industry, especially the Hollywood film industry, for marketing purposes. It helps in many ways, including it is easier to market as they know how to make the poster or trailer clearly represent the genre and get the targeted audience. It is also easier to make as people with past experience with find it easier to do as they will have past experience e.g. special effects. It is easier to get a guaranteed audience as if someone has seen ...

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