The main ethical issues relating to Information Technology.

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Information technology has had an effect on private and public organization as well as on employees, customers, clients, and society as a whole and “as the number of computers increases, the magnitude of their impact on society increases” (p.116 Kizza, J.M). Indeed, everyone from living room to the boardroom of a company has been touched in some or other way by information technology. The impact of Information technology can be seen in every aspects of human life however, not everyone likes computers and information technology, and even those who do not like them at all times. Many people believe that humankind is threatened by the evolution of information technology in last two decade. In contrast we can say that information technology is essential to maintaining and supporting our culture, so we have symbiotic relationship with information technology therefore we must be aware of its effects on us as individuals and member of organization and as well as on society as a whole. Information technology has raised a multitude of negative issues and it raises many ethical issues ranging from pornography, privacy, accountability (responsibility in case of software crash) hacking, gambling, online scam, planned surveillance, censorship, illegal Copying of software programs surveillance of E-mail file etc. apart from these major issues few ethical issues deals with health and safety are also of major concern, as are the impact of Information Technology on employment levels and the quality of life of the people.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with what is considered to be right and wrong. The one of the oldest codes of ethics, the Ten Commandments, (appendix 1) clear specifications are given about what an individual should and should not do. Over the years many philosophers have proposed many ethical guidelines but even though there are also differences regarding ethics among different countries because what is unethical in one country may be perfectly acceptable in some other country

        Example: -

  1. Dropping litter is illegal in Australia and as well as unethical but it is not illegal in India but it is defiantly unethical in my point of view.
  2. Right of privacy in western country is much higher concern for individuals than Asian people.

So in most instances, an individual faced with ethical decision is not considering whether or not breaking the law and in todays complex environment the definition of right or wrong are not always clear. The spread of information technology has created many new ethical situations for example The issue of company monitoring electronic mail is very controversial, the outcome of the poll in Information week () depicted that about 47 percent people believe that companies have the right to do so and about 53 percent people vote against this or are disagree. So there are major differences among companies and individuals with respect to what is right or wrong.

Current Ethical Issues in IT

The main ethical issues relating to Information Technology, discussed in newspaper and magazine are Cyber pornography or x-rated sites, Online gambling, online scam, censorship, privacy, surveillance, hacking, virus writing etc.

The article published in THE AUSTRLIAN dated 29th march 2001 under the column Porn sites net gamblers and article (1)&(2) form The Cincinnati Enquirer raise the issue that people are more and more addicted to cyber pornography because it is easily to get to. With the growth of the Internet, sexually oriented businesses involving the sale and distribution of sexually explicit pictures and videos have grown rapidly. The economic success of these businesses suggests that there is a big market of both buyer and seller. But are there any moral limits to this kind of economic activity and do these moral limits justify legal limits? 

The porno or sex oriented businesses on Internet is based on liberty and harm principle. In order to justify laws regulating the market in sexually oriented material, liberals must show that the material in question involves either coercion or harm to others people. The main assumption is that individuals operating in the private sphere have a right to pursue happiness in any way they choose so long as they do force others to participate or harm others. In the public sphere, individuals have an almost absolute right of free speech, which rarely harms others, and the liberal point of view generally acknowledges that private consenting adults have a moral and legal right to indulge in a wide variety of sexual acts. The data shown in the article porn sites net gamblers shows that 36% of 808000 active Internet users in Singapore visit these sites and few sites are based on child pornography and my consent is law should ban these websites because

  1. Children are too young to consent and
  2. Sexual activity between adults and children harms children.

Some people say, my kid just downloaded this image that has explicit sex in it and just like every place in society, there are reptiles that will exploit children. In my opinion, Internet is easily accessible to everyone and with the increase of computer users the impact on society will defiantly increase. The pornography, X-rated sites, gambling may not harm the adult but defiantly affect the younger generation of the society. And I think this is an emerging problem in every society and the two easy cures for this unorganized, uncensored, uncontrollable Internet are:

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First, Promoting the use of child safe Internet Service Providers and

Second, The use of local screening software.

The Government should not be fully Responsible for censorship. If so they must do it as a whole and this would be unconstitutional. So the best way to Eliminate the problem by choice not by force.

The other emerging ethical issue in IT is online auction scam (Non delivery of goods, fraudulent payments and selling of illegal and odd items). Online Businesses can improve efficiencies, reduce paperwork, and streamline their operations. Online auction Web sites have begun to spring up ...

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