The Matrix - short analysis.

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 My favourite film is The Matrix because it is a great all round film the special effects are absolutely brilliant but so is the plot, normally we either have the pleasure of great special effects or a plot, not both of them together, but this film has definitely pulled it off. The matrix is quite a complex film to understand, especially for people who have trouble understanding most films, but I found that if I thought about it, I got it alright. The film will put you into so many different situations quite suddenly
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which really makes you feel as though you are truly part of the film. Ill start off by  explaining what the films about, the matrix is a computer generated world, the world that we live in created by electronic monsters. Humans are merely batteries for them, but the world we live in is created to make us happy. Humans are grown in some sort of cells until ripe for power! The actual story to the matrix is that humans have created a world of technology that they can’t control and the technology has taken over, wiping away the world, hence ...

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