What did McLuhan mean when he said 'the medium is the message'? Is this idea any use in understanding contemporary mass media?

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What did McLuhan mean when he said 'the medium is the message'? Is this idea any use in understanding contemporary mass media?

McLuhan was a world renown philospher, he earned his name in academia when he published the book Understanding Media: The Extension of Man, which made a sensation in the 1960s. During the time the book was published it was a best seller. After the coming years McLuhan published two other books The Mechanical Bride and The Gutenberg Galaxy (Finkelstein, 1968). However these books wasnt as successful as 'Understanding thie Media'. McLuhan was one of the first to glamourise technology and 'The Global Village'.  The idea of the medium being the message is a contraversial topic, as it was once deemed usless by many academics and McLuhans style of thinking was frowned upon. Marshall McLuhan was a new type of intelectual, he had a mosaic approach as he would only create a small segment of an image in the viewers mind. He invited his readers to also be producers of the text. Marshalls approach to subjects rather than giving a straight answer he would often beat around the bush. But recently as the internet has been discovered his theories have been the centre of attention, his was has been ressurected and refers to many of todays contemporrary media. The medium is not longer indetifiable as such, and the merging medium and the message McLuhan is the first great formula of this new age (Cavell, 2003, p2).

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On of the many ideas that McLuhan had was that the media was an extension of man. When Marshall famously spoke about the 'mediuam being the message' he meant that it was nessasirily the the services provided by the object, it was the object it self. Such as the wheel McLuhan famously spoke of the wheel being an extension of the foot and that clothes were an extenion of the skin. In presumumption the term medium is aimed at objects usch as radio, books or televiison. However McLuhans theory defines that the medium is not what music is being ...

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