Amy Chappell         10S                                                            Page  of

Media Coursework

What is Film? A movie. A motion picture. A worldwide enjoyment and way of communicating. Today millions of us go to the cinema each week to see films. With new ones out every week there’s loads to keep us going back for more. But which one do we go and see? The films industry is a very competitive business and it’s very important the films are eye catching and have something unique about them. If a film is about something unusual and has not been seen before the chances are we will be more drawn to it. But what else can draw us to a film? Is there a type you prefer? Romance, action, horror, comedy, sci-fi, animation, musical and many more.

Why are films so popular? We as the audience have the easy job of sitting there and watching the film, then deciding whether we like it or not. However the directors, producers and scriptwriters have the huge role over ensuring that we do. They have to decide on what is going to happen, how will it begin, how will it end, how can tension and suspense be created. All of which we take for granted.

I looked at “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon”, which has won 4 Oscars. By analysing key scenes from the film and looking at the visual images and presentational features I looked at the effect these had upon us, the audience.

What is it that is so great about the film that has won it not one but four Oscars? Could it be Ang Lee’s (the director) spectacular use of camera angles; the actors ability to fly and with such grace; the way the fighting it choreographed to make every last movement intense; the way that tension builds with the use of music; the breath taking martial arts; the use of cutting edge technology to achieve great special effects? Many films are internationally famous, popular and enjoyable. Take “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon” for instance, a Chinese film that has been either dubbed or subtitled so it can be seen worldwide.

After seeing the first fight scene you begin to see the true magic created by the film. The scene takes place at night; it begins for us when we see the guards’ face, when the expression on his face tells us he has seen something. He is alert and carefully watching. The camera then allows us to see what he has seen, a black shadowy figure creeping round and then entering a room through a window, leaping down and landing silently.

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While this is taking place the atmosphere that is created is eerie giving the audience a sense of wonder about the scene. The music has a definite beat and slowly increases while the criminal is taking the ‘green destiny’ (a famous sword with a history) and, as they are ready to leave, the doors open and the guard looks in, the beat increases suddenly. Before he can do anything the criminal hits him and tries to get away but he fights back and the fight begins. The music gets stronger, it’s like a heart racing, and the music begins to ...

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