With a detailed analysis of one or two Hollywood films, apply and evaluate the relative merits of two different approaches that you have studied this semester.

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With a detailed analysis of one or two Hollywood films, apply and evaluate the relative merits of two different approaches that you have studied this semester.

Fight Club tells a story of a young confused man tied up in a culture obsessed with as he puts it ‘Ikea’. He believes everything is single serving ‘single serving friends’ for example. When Norton one of many actors without an official stage name, meets his alter ego Tyler, he starts creating a life for himself and others that goes against our globalist society and the increasingly feminine man. To analysis these concepts more clearly the approaches of Marxism and Psychoanalytic theory can be used.

Fight club is essentially a film noir or neo noir. This genre is essentially a French term, which simply means ‘dark film’. For example in ‘fight club’ low-key lighting is especially used when the lead protagonists Norton is visiting group help meetings. Fight club follows the conventions of film noir by reflecting a particular mood of the time there is a continued theme throughout the film of a crisis in masculinity and a backlash against feminism. There is a constant need to fight to prove your strength and masculinity.  It also has elements of the film, which allows it to be a counter culture attraction, i.e. against society. It is against the rat race seen with Norton turning up to work scruffy and bruised. This film is also against the increased level of consumerism in our lives.  These two key elements can therefore be analysed and evaluated using a Marxist approach and a psychoanalytic approach.

Many Hollywood films follow a typical capitalist ideal, essentially the American dream. The harder you work the more you gain. What fight club does is go against the traditional capitalist role and develops the idea of a revolution to overthrow the elite and be recognised. Norton, the leading character, plans an attack on society, a rebellion against conformist culture; he quotes ‘the revolution.’ This is the essential precept of a Marxist society. Karl Marx suggested that ‘eventually we will experience a revolution, whereby the working class would seize the state and establish a dictatorship of the proletariat.’ Pg 327 Dictionary of Beliefs and Religions. What Fight Club continues to address is the need for change in society.  It conveys how men have been losing their role in society; it asks society whether it is possible to call yourself a man? What is it to be a man? Fight Club suggests that for men to be something again in society there must be a revolution.                  

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Marxist ideals continue throughout Fight Club. Marxism is based on economics and production. Within this ideology there are two main classes: the Capitalists, the profiteers, the exploiters “owners of the means of production, and appropriators of the surplus product in the form of profit” Cottrell A, pg36, and secondly, the workers employed by the capitalist selling their labour “separated from the means of production and constrained to sell themselves to capitalist enterprises.” Cottrell A, pg36. We therefore have two powerful class divisions.  “Society as a whole is splitting into two hostile camps, into two classes directly facing each other, ...

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