
Anemia is a reduction in the total number of erythrocytes in the circulating blood or a decrease in the quality or quantity of hemoglobin.


  • Impaired erythrocyte production
  • Blood loss (acute or chronic)
  • Increase erythrocyte destruction
  • A combination of the above


The major physiological problem in anemia is the reduced O2 carrying capacity of the RBC, producing tissue hypoxia.  Symptoms vary according to severity, and the body’s ability to compensate, but commonly include:

  • Mild: often asymptomatic
  • Moderate: fatigue, weakness, dyspnea on exertion/poor exercise tolerance, palpitations
  • Severe: may be symptomatic at rest, unable to tolerate mild exercise
  • Recent onset assoc with acute blood loss: tachycardia, lightheadedness, SOB, postural hypotension
  • Other: headache, vertigo, dizziness, syncope, anorexia, cold intolerance, irritability

Laboratory investigations:

  • Hemoglobin (Hgb) and Hematocrit (Hct) determines severity
  • Complete blood count (CBC) with differential, platelet count, RBC count and indices (MCV, MCH, RDW), serum ferritin, and reticulocyte count
  • Consider peripheral smear to assiss number and morphologhy of red cells, white cells and platelets
  • Consider examination of the stool for occult blood
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 Anemia is classified according to its etiology or morphology.

A low hgb (anemia) can be classified according to the MCV value.

The MCV (mean corpuscular volume) reflects the average volume of the red blood cell.  The red blood cell size allows a classification of anemia, including microcytic, normocytic, and macrocytic anemias, which provide insight into the cause.

  • MCV <80fL: microcytic anemia
  • MCV 80-100fL: normocytic anemia
  • MCV > 100fL: macrocytic anemia

Microcytic Anemia

  • Erythrocytes are abnormally small and contain abnormally reduced amounts of hemoglobin
  • Caused by disorders of ...

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