Task 1:

  1. Define the term complementary therapy and explain why treatments are used in early years settings (P1)
  2. Outline the legislation, training and registration requirements for complementary therapists (P2 )
  3. Explain why it is important for complementary therapists to have appropriate training and qualifications (M1)

For this assignment I am going to define the term complementary therapy and explain why treatments are used in the early year’s settings. I will also outline the legislation, training and registration requirements for complementary therapists and finally explain why it is important for the complementary therapists to have appropriate training and qualifications.

Around and before the 1900s ancient complementary methods were provided and combined with conventional methods of medicine at this era in time but as technology advanced and surgical operations were able to be performed it separated itself from conventional medicine.

Nowadays even though there is not a necessary combination with conventional medicine it can be used to complement it hence the name complementary.

Complementary therapies are not a part of conventional medicine. It is not essential but can be used to support and supplement the conventional medicine a person is receiving. According to amfar.org complementary therapies are a range of services designed to complement traditional medical practice as part of a practitioner's primary care plan for an individual. This means that a general practitioner will diagnose and provide treatment but will also use complementary therapy in order to supplement the treatment spiritually. Complementary therapies are a treatment used in tandem with mainstream medicine. Complementary therapies are non-medical treatments in comparison to the medical treatments of conventional medicine. Conventional medicine is the scientific method of treatment of illnesses. According to mdanderson.org it is a system in which medical doctors and other healthcare professionals (such as nurses, pharmacists and therapists) treat symptoms and diseases. An example of complementing conventional medicine would be that a patient might use guided imagery and relaxation techniques for pain control in combination with drug therapy.
Alternative therapy however is different in the sense that whilst complementary is used in combination with the conventional method alternative medicine is used as an alternative to the conventional medicine being used alone without the scientific method of healing to supplement its processes.

According to cancercare.mb.ca alternative medicine is a variety of treatments, outside the scope of conventional medical practice, and used instead of standard. It is use of an unproven therapy instead of standard proven therapy.

There is a difference between conventional medicine in contrast to complementary therapies even though when combined they do supplement each other in their intended results. Within receiving conventional medicine the patient is diagnosed within minutes of being within the doctor’s presence although this is due to the rapid evolution in scientific research and knowledge of the human body and mind. Although in contrast to this complementary therapy and even alternative therapy which is not combined with conventional medicine and the relationship within receiving this method by the patient is considerably different to that of conventional medicine. According to a leaflet containing case studies on complementary therapies “Working in complementary therapy” therapists take a holistic approach to the treatment of illness, which means they identify and treat the underlying cause of the illness rather than simply treating the symptoms. This concludes that the therapist is willing and has the time to probe for the patient’s background and discuss topics revolving around the treatment and as to why the patient is seeking the therapy. This in turn will make the patient feel the therapist is speaking to them at their level and conversing with them instead of the quick in and out diagnose by your local general practitioner. Complementary therapies are therefore more spiritual and not completely science based diagnosis and methods.

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Some examples of complementary therapy are…

  • Art therapy,
  • Music therapy,
  • Massage,
  • Acupuncture,
  • Aromatherapy,
  • Chiropractic,
  • Colour therapy,
  • Diet therapy,
  • Exercise,
  • Imagery therapy,
  • Herbal medicine,
  • Meditation,
  • Pet therapy,
  • Pilates,
  • Reiki,
  • Shiatsu,
  • Sound therapy,
  • Spiritual healing,
  • Yoga.

Complementary therapies are more spiritual compared to the scientific method of conventional medicine and originally originated from the ancient history of the Chinese, Indian, Egyptian and many other originated medicines.

The medicine of ancient peoples was a combination of faith, blind luck, smoke, heat, and reliance on what nature provided, such as leaves, herbs, and roots. The ancients knew about healing, ...

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