Laser safety. Due to an advance in technology and intelligence in the medical world, a number of better and more efficient treatments have been developed, and among these are the light based treatments that are now being used to treat a wide range of cli

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Laser safety and light based treatments










    Due to an advance in technology and intelligence in the medical world, a number of better and more efficient treatments have been developed, and among these are the light based treatments that are now being used to treat a wide range of clinical conditions. The light based treatments use laser beams. Laser which basically means Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation works by emitting a powerful beam of light which travels in a specific direction (Silvfast, 2004).

        This beam is able cut through and seal skin tissue as well as blood vessels. The laser has the capability of producing a certain colour of light also known as the wavelength, which tends to vary in strength (Hecht, 1999).This paper will provide information on the different types of lasers, their general use as well as their wavelengths. It will also identify the hazards that may arise due to laser use, and also provide viable information on their safe use, storage and maintenance in the clinic.

     It is important to note that high power lasers are dangerous, due to their potential to burn important body parts and probably inhibit their functioning (Nouri, 2011). In order to minimize the risks of harm, a number of classes are specified. These classes are defined according to their power as well as their wavelength. Lasers can also be classified in relation to their ability to bring about biological damage (Ion, 2005) and thereby equip users on basic information on the safety of the lasers, and this information is also extremely useful in clinical settings to ensure careful operation.

Laser treatment is the newest cosmetic surgery form that is used to treat skin. In laser skin treatment, the surgeon utilizes a carbon dioxide laser that vaporizes the skin layers. The upper skin layers are removed in order for new skin to reform. Laser treatment is among the most precise forms of skin treatment. Each type of laser beam has a specific beam of energy that is directed to a specific part of the skin especially the damaged areas to repair damages. Laser treatment is often used on fine lines and wrinkles, especially those parts of the skin that are around delicate places for instance the mouth or the eyes (Hecht, 1999).

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Laser treatment is mainly used to make scarring or burns less visible. In the case of cosmetic surgery, laser treatment can be used to remove tattoos. The laser pulses can also be used to treat spider veins, port wine stains and acne scars. This kind of laser treatment is known as Intense Pulsed Light therapy. Laser skin treatment produces similar results to chemical peels. The technology utilizes different techniques however the changes that occur to the skin are similar (Silvfast, 2004). In this case, the layers of skin are removed to allow the dermis to be visible. This ensures that ...

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