Nic otine replacement treatment (NRT) - smoking cessation program.

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Nic otine replacement treatment (NRT) - smoking cessation program. 


How it works: 

NRT lessens the nicotine withdrawal and the cravings by supplying the body with nicotine without out the carcinogens, tar or toxic gases that cigarettes contain. People often become addicted to the nicotine because it increases certain chemical levels such as dopamine and norepinephrine in their brains. After quitting from smoking, the levels of these chemicals drop and the bodies react by having nicotine withdrawal symptoms. NRT increases the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine just like nicotine does.

If the NRT doses are taken as directed, the chemical levels in the brain are kept at a constant level so withdrawal symptoms will be reduced when a person stops smoking.

The nicotine replacement therapy types include nicotine patches, nicotine gum, lozenges, inhalers, tablets and nicotine nasal spray. When a smoker has a cigarette, the nicotine in the smoke moves quickly across the tissues in their lungs and then into the bloodstream.

Nicotine patches

The nicotine patches are an effective way of releasing nicotine into the bloodstream via the skin. These patches are attached to the upper body; they slowly release the nicotine which is absorbed through the skin. The patches are available in three strengths, designed with the main aim to gradually decrease the smoker’s addiction to the nicotine. Achieved by slowly reducing the dosages.

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The patches last 16 – 24 hours, and the patches mustn’t be applied to the same area within the same week. The 24-hour patches are thought to help with the morning cravings however, may disturb one’s sleep. To work out the right dosage, it is essential that smoke quitters tell their pharmacists the strength of cigarettes taken, and how many smokes they had per day.

Nicotine patches can’t be used during pregnancy, whilst breast-feeding or with some medical conditions. Advise your doctor or the pharmacist before using nicotine patches.

The advantage of nicotine patches are ...

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