Common application essay title no.2 (Fall 2010 admission)

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A hurricane is ready to ruin my homeland

No, hurricanes don’t strike Lithuania. Neither do other natural disasters. Cars sinking on flooded roads or trees falling down and breaking wires are not the usual things to one sees in my country. Although two remarkable storms have hit us in the past decade, we all know hurricanes don’t strike suchremoteandforgottencountries. We have regular summers and winters, and no such natural anomalies like hurricanes. The anomaly that we do have is a national ignorance towards climate change and global warming. We have been so thrilled with our gleaming supercars and cable television broadcasting indefinite amount of programs that it seems nobody even notices we are all sharing the same Earth, which happens to hold a finite supply of natural resources.

When a foreigner first visits Lithuania, the architecture of the Old Town and squeaky clean streets are noticed at once. One might actually be surprised we have no solar power plants or wind farms. However, we don’t seem to need them since Lithuania is proud of a wide network of thermal power stations that cause the increase of greenhouse gases levels in our atmosphere. Not to mention the admittedly insecure old nuclear power plant that can supply us the all energy we need. Besides that, we have got highly developed agriculture farms in Lithuania. In fact, people have invented a ‘brilliant technique’ of making more profit: they have been burning grass in the spring so that the lands would become more nutritious. It sometimes results in huge forests fires, but nobody appears to be concerned since we have still plenty of forests in our country. Instead, the biggest concern we have recently faced is the struggle to become a more attractive and culturally richer country due to the celebration of one thousandth Lithuania’s anniversary this year.

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However, we devoted some of our precious time to integrate a few trends of the worldwide green movement into our daily lives. For example, the government has recently spent a great deal of money encouraging people to recycle. So now we have shiny new yellow, blue and green containers for glass, plastic and paper respectively, and garbage trucks that put the contents of every container into the same room inside them and carry everything to the same dumping site. Talking about the waste, the amount of old used tires is increasing together with an increasing number of cars on ...

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