Concepts of Teaching

a scroll for Dr. Steyn’s class “Philosophy of Education”

by Bryan Bissell

October 8, 1996


1. EDUCATION        page 1

2. TEACHING        page 2

5. CURRICULUM        page 3


7. DISCIPLINE        page 3




        “Education”.  That word can bring joy to some and strike terror to the hearts of others.  What is the proper way of education and how do you transmit your important values to your children has long been a question of many people.  As I have given Bible studies and taught English, I have wondered more and more how do you convince someone of the truth of what you are saying.  If you say one thing is true, there are sure to be at least 10 others saying that it is false or not important or just a relative truth.  Our post-modern world has created this idea in the hearts of many people who haven’t even studied about philosophy.  Just from watching the TV News you get the idea of how difficult it is to arbitrate and how both sides think they are right and have “evidence” to support their claims.  Education together with family atmosphere seem to have a major influence on how people think(although the media is becoming a factor that is almost just as important).  Consequently, our methods of education need to carefully constructed according to clearly defined goals and definitions of best and true education.  So, here are a few definitions and opinions of what I think true education should be.


        Ellen White says, “Our ideas of education take too narrow and too low a range...True education means more than the pursual of a certain course of study.  it means more than a preparation for the life that now is.  It has to do with the whole being, and with the whole period of existence possible to man.  It is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers.  it prepares the student for the joy of service in this world and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come.”  Ellen White also speaks of true education being religion and of it being mission training.  All of these are important.  Most education these days is learned in a classroom and requires study of many books.  This is often useful although I am strongly critical of highly technical books.  They have almost never helped me.  I have been inspired and my mind has been convinced far more by books from Tony Campolo or Josh McDowell than any kind of material from Barth or Bultmann or any of these supposedly great Theologians.

        I also think that the important things that students take from class could in most classes be taught effectively in 1/2 or less the time that they presently are being taught.  All this free time, I think should be used for teachers and students to work together outside of class and apply what they have learned to real life before they graduate.  I think that there should be businesses that business students are involved in; Bible classes and evangelistic meetings that are using modern technology in an effective way to present the gospel; counselling practice for psychology students to gain experience in (free or very low cost since they are not experts yet).  This is one thing that I like so much about the Health Promotion Courses that we have here at this college.  They don’t just learn in class, they actually go out and actively work in the community.  I know I’m talking about a massive change in the way we do education, but, I think it would radically change the effectiveness of our education as well as the interest of the students in the classes.  When I was at Walla Walla College and Singapore, I asked very few questions because, I had never really done that much work in the church as far as Bible studies or those kinds of activities were concerned.  I had done Ingathering and handed out tracts but, I had never really taught anything about the Bible.  But, after I was a Bible teacher for 4 years in Korea and came here, I had many questions that I wanted to know about.  I wanted to be a better teacher and consequently I became a more involved  and questioning student.  When you are doing something and you want to do it well, it will inspire you to learn a lot more than otherwise.  If it’s impossible to set up real businesses or activities at first, at least you could set up virtually real situations by computer or educational games or activities.  There’s an incredible amount of information in this world.  What I am looking for does exist somewhere and eventually I will find it.

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        A little girl came to Ellen White and asked, “Will you please ask the minister to speak easy words that we can understand?  Will you please tell him that we do not understand large words like ‘justification’ and ‘sanctification’ We do not know what these words mean.”  Ellen White said about this, “The little girl’s complaint contains a lesson worthy of consideration by teachers and ministers...Make your explanations clear, for I know that there are many who do not understand many of the things said to them...Speak as little children, remembering that there are many well advanced ...

This is a preview of the whole essay