Consumer behaviour is the study of how people buy, what they buy, when they buy and why they buy.  When lifestyle/consumer magazines are designed this definition should be taken into consideration.  It is my opinion that Harper’s Bazaar magazine has been aware of these strategies and has successfully mastered them.  I chose this magazine not only for its content but also for its professional production.    

For this assignment I have chosen to use the March 2008 edition.

I believe this magazine has targeted a middle class and an aspiring middle class audience.  

The model, Gisele Bündchen, one of the world’s biggest supermodels, starring on the front cover of this edition oozes poise, elegance and style: qualities reflected throughout the magazine.  Gisele Bündchen is twenty eight years old so this may give an indication as to the age group the magazine is trying to attract.  As this is a March edition the choice of pastel colours and flimsy clothes are ideal in luring the readers to abandon their winter colours for something lighter and more colourful.  The flesh coloured makeup is appealing and natural looking, despite the fact that common sense would dictate that an airbrush had been used!

  The eye contact with the reader has the effect of personalising this advert.  The subtle photography, the provocative pose of the model, the tasters of the enticing content and the bold, white font are a preview of what is inside the magazine.  I feel this front page has been designed to appeal to both men and women.  

Join now!

Attached to this cover are two glossy adverts, from Louis Vuitton, one of the largest fashion houses in the world, which very subtly, yet ever so cleverly continue the image of the “Sex and the City” class.  These adverts contain bold and bright features which are eye catching when looking at the advert and therefore grasp the reader’s attention.  As on the front cover eye contact is made with the reader thus personalising them.  The first advert has a young blonde, in her twenties lying on a bright yellow car, suggesting a New York yellow taxi which would add to ...

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