Discussion questions week four

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Discussion questions week four

Cindy D. Barnecet

University of Phoenix


Professor Carlos Carrión

May 31, 2007


The purpose of this paper is to answer the discussion questions presented in the syllabus. In addition, we will discuss the differences between Business-to-business (B2B) and Business-to-consumer (B2C) web sites, specifically in regard of how the sites manage ethical, legal and regulatory issues.  

        Discuss organizational ethical processes as well as regulatory and legal rulings that might affect consumer trust when using an e-Business website.

        As recently as a decade ago, many companies viewed business ethics only in terms of administrative compliance with legal standards and adherence to internal rules and regulations. Today the situation is different. Attention to business ethics is on the rise across the world and many companies realize that in order to succeed, they must earn the respect and confidence of their customers. Like never before, corporations are being asked, encouraged and prodded to improve their business practices to emphasize legal and ethical behavior. Companies, professional firms and individuals alike are being held increasingly accountable for their actions, as demand grows for higher standards of corporate social responsibility. The same is true for both e-businesses and traditional businesses. Online customers also have much more interactive and complex relationships with online businesses than they do with traditional companies. This is because Internet technologies enable companies to build Web sites that can be customized to meet the specific needs of their B2B or B2C customers.

        The biggest advantage traditional or brick and mortar businesses have on online/e-businesses are the customers can physically visit a shop, check the authenticity of products/services by the seller and then proceed with the purchase and resulting transactions. Because they have checked the product themselves, they place more trust in the business and come back for more products and services. It is easy for traditional business to build customer base and loyalty. It is not so easy for e-businesses to build trust, loyalty and customer base as they have a virtual presence on the internet and the customers cannot physically visit these businesses. Hence, the importance of ethical business practices on e-businesses is more profound. Ethical practices of confidentiality and privacy of customer information helps in attracting customers. Individuals instinctively regard personal information as their individual property and any use thereof without his/her knowledge and consent as equivalent to “identity theft.”

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        If an organization is involved in illegal and unethical practices such a monopolizing to beat competition, sharing confidential customer information for personal/business gains, promoting illegal information (terrorism, pornography and others.) or misleading the public the lack of adherence to government regulations will drive away the customers/business partners, break their trust and eventually head for a downfall. Once, an organization has been dragged into the controversy of indulging in unethical business practices, it will never be able to survive again. As we have seen in the class of Financial Analysis, Enron and WorldCom are best examples of this.

        Why is ...

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