Example of an Application Essay for a Maths Course.
toshi0507hotmailcom (student)
College of Arts and Sciences: Describe two or three of your current intellectual interests and why they are exciting to you. Why will Cornell’s College of Arts and Sciences be the right environment in which to pursue your interests? (650 words)
I grew up in the atypical environment of an international school, atypical to most all other Japanese but it has enriched and exposed me to differing perspectives. My school peers came from 52 countries, and each of us had interesting narratives and a personal history. My interaction with my classmates has accentuated my life, providing a dash of Tabasco sauce to the sometimes bland pizza of Yokohama, Japan. Unlike cultural nuances, mathematics is universal. As I studied the subject further, my interests evolved. I realized that everything around us is affected or controlled by mathematics--from computers to planes, planets to the cells in our body. Indeed, mathematics everywhere present.