How positive and negative psychological affects on performance in sport.

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Akash Lakhani CSP 100015994 How positive and negative psychological affects on performance in sport. Throughout sport there are a number of physiological and psychological factors which occur that effect performance in either a positive or negative way. The most common factors which effect performance are motivation, anxiety, arousal Motivation is crucial to success in every sporting event whether it is team sports such as football or hockey, or individual sporting events such as the 100 meter sprint. When a player is not motivated he or she is liable to make a lot more mistakes and not perform to their best ability. A motivated player will overcome a de-motivated player almost every time. Motivation can be triggered by a number of different things such as receiving encouragement, or even being insulted or put down. If an elite performer receives bad press over a particularly bad game he or she may feel motivated to try and prove to the media and everybody else including themselves that they are capable of performing well. Motivation is one of the most common psychological factors affecting sporting performance. There are many different types of motivation and different levels that have different affects on how we perform. Motivational factors can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from inside the performer and can also be stated as self- motivation. Intrinsic motivation depends on the athletes own attitudes and perceptions therefore this leads to the athletes understanding of their own circumstances. A definition of intrinsic motivation can be, “those which a person engages in to feel competent and self- determining” (Deci 1975, Intrinsic motivation, New York Plenum Press). An example of intrinsic motivation in a sporting situation can be a 40 year old who takes up on marathon running and trains three night a week and at the end of the week he/she is likely to be motivated by intrinsic rewards such as feeling fitter or the satisfaction of a faster finishing time rather than receiving a extrinsic reward such as a winners medal. Intrinsic motivation is very important in enhancing a sports performance because without self drive and an ongoing desire to win an athlete will find it hard to succeed. Intrinsic motivation is different from extrinsic motivation because it is very spontaneous and it does not have to be provided by anyone apart the performer. Therefore intrinsic motivation is never fully satisfied so the individual will continue to seek out opportunities to satisfy these needs. This shows intrinsic motivation can be very persistent therefore would be a very good
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way for a coach to encourage the development of intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is very different from intrinsic motivators as they motivators from outside the performer. These can include things such as money, trophies or medals, recognition or even prestige or praise which are also known as social reinforcements. Extrinsic motivational factors are important in enhancing performance at first as it is useful to identify and encourage the performance of correct skills, moves and behaviour and shows the performer that they are doing the task correctly. Positive comments from others provide extrinsic motivation to the performer as well as information ...

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