looking at the roles the purpose and responsibilities of two public services

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Simon Thurston

Unit 8 the uniformed public services

Task 1

Roles, Purpose and responsibilities

In this assignment I am going to look at the roles the purpose and responsibilities of two public services

The two public services that I am going to look at are the Police and the coastguard


The police’s main roles are things such as investigating serious crimes and small crimes these are things such as murder, rape or burglary. They also have to try and prevent crime they do this by coordinating intelligence about people. They work hand in hand with the national security services coordinating intelligence and working to protect the UK from terrorism. They also have to work in the management of crime scenes making sure that there can be a conviction against the offender and that evidence works toward this and is reliable in court. At times they have to manage major incidents these can be anything from flood to bombs going off. They also work in community safety this is things like setting up local SNT’s (safer neighbourhood teams) these work on things such as looking after neighbour hoods and working towards stopping underage drinking and protecting areas that are crime spots. They work towards maintaining public order and the queen’s peace. In , the Queen's peace (or King's peace, when a male monarch is on the throne) is the protection the monarch offers their subjects so if someone breeches the peace by e.g. by being drunken disorderly when this happens a police constable if there is reasonable belief that the person would remain there and, that they would continue with their course of conduct and a Breach of the Peace would occur. Breach of the Peace in police terms is usually used to remove violent or potentially violent offenders from a scene rapidly the only punishment that can be inflicted by a court for this offence is to "bind over" the offender to keep the peace. They have to deal with many forms of RTC’s (road traffic Collisions) helping the casualties and finding the cause of the accident. There work also includes detection of crime this can be done in many ways including taking a proactive approach to policing e.g. driving around the streets at night making sure there are no people hanging around that may be up to something and providing back up to officers that may be in situations where fire arms are used this protects them and the public.  

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The purpose of the police can be found in many different places but this is mainly in the mission statement this sets out the common goals that the police are trying to do

The Actions of the police are governed by several different laws and acts of parliaments the main one being PACE (police and criminal evidence act) and the police act 1996 this controls local policing.

The responsibilities of the police is to carry out their roles and purpose and to provide the best possible service to the public this is where there first duty is ...

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