Psycho Analysis Vs Cognitive

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Jonathan Boreland        Psychology Essay Due 27.10.10        

In this paper I will analyse two major psychological perspectives. Psychoanalysis and cognitive.

There are several key theories to understanding psychology thus understanding everyday life, why and how we act and respond the way we do. To compare strands isn’t straightforward because your comparing ideas and theories, using criticisms that are second hand.

Psychoanalysis is the theory driven by key thinkers like Freud, and Erikson. The main input was into the unconscious mind, and the iceberg metaphor. Implying that only a small of amount of our mind is accessible to us.  This strand of thought is commonly used in therapy as it suggests that many of adulthood problems are a direct result of significant childhood events, like the psychosexual stages. A lot of Freud's work is criticized due to its taboo context of applying such sexual intensity to children.  The psychosexual stages, dream theories, and the unconscious mind, play a massive role in Freud’s participation to psychoanalysis. A problem with this work is due to it being based upon observations on clinical cases and cases studies, it makes it very hard to apply and generalise to wider society, or a wider population. Freud was heavily influenced by urge and desire; he believed that all behaviour is driven mainly by our natural urges, represented by our ID. These urges being sexual (Eros), anger (Thanatos), the emotions we are taught to control.

Freud applied the metaphor of the mind or psyche being similar to an iceberg. Being that only a small portion of it is visible; the rest of it is invisible. When applied to the mind he said that only 10% of it was visible which is represented by our conscious, but 90% is invisible, but not necessarily inaccessible, which are what dreams represent.  This iceberg metaphor is further broken down into what is accessible to us. The part visible to us is the Conscious and is what is availible to us. Below that we have the preconscious, which is what holds our memories and stored knowledge. But mainly we have the unconscious where it holds our fears, violent motive, immoral urges and other repressed thoughts.

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Next we move onto the Psycho-Sexual development stages. This theory explains the direct link between upbringing and adulthood. It places a massive amount of understanding on childhood, this being very unreliable because it can’t be generalised, or even proved or falsified. The psycho sexual stages are 5 in total. Oral, anal, phallic, latent and genital. Freud suggests that any imbalance in the raising of these stages can produce serious effects. For example a child who was toilet trained harshly would be known to suffer from an anal fixation. This could result in the person being uptight, and very tidy.


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