Definitions of the Different Personality Types

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Definitions of the Different Personality Types

The Realistic Type (R)

This personality type shows a definite preference for working with objects, tools and machinery. This leads to the mastering of manual skills, i.e. skills of a mechanical, agricultural, electrical and technical nature. As this personality type usually shows a clear aversion to educational, intellectual, social and creative activities, a lack of social, educational and verbal skills may be experienced. This type prefers occupations such as those of electricians, aircraft mechanics, plumbers, toolmakers, farmers and draughtsmen.

The Investigative Type (I)

The investigative type is characterised by a preference for the systematic investigation of the physical, biological and cultural phenomena. Consequently this leads to the mastery of scientific and mathematical skills. Careers preferred by the investigative type inter alia include those of physicist, biologist, mathematician, anthropologist and chemist.

The Artistic Type (A)

This type shows a preference for achieving his or her creativity in a free environment. This usually leads to mastery of artistic skills, irrespective of whether they relate to language, art, music or drama. Occupations relating to this type include those of actor/actress, interior decorator, musician and journal.

The Social Type (S)

The social type shows a definite preference for working with people, by forming and training them or by caring for them. Consequently this behavioural orientation leads to mastery of interpersonal and educational skills. Occupations that interest this type include nursing, education and social work.

The Enterprising Type (E)

This personality type shows a preference for manipulating people, for taking the lead and for acting in an enterprising manner in the business world or in public life. Such a behavioural orientation gives rise to the development of leadership skills, good interpersonal and persuasive abilities. Occupations generally chosen by the enterprising type include law, politics, sales and business.

The Conventional Type (C)

The conventional type shows a preference for ordered activity that includes the manipulation of data (for example, filing). This behavioural orientation results in the individual's becoming adept in clerical, computational and routine tasks. This type prefers occupations such as accountancy, business, administrative and clerical work, and data punching.

Definitions of the Work Environments

Individuals seek work environments that offer them the opportunity to satisfy their unique interests, attitudes and values. An individual's behaviour, occupational success, stability and satisfaction can be explained by the interaction between their personality traits and the environment. Using the same constructs, which he used to define the six personality types, Holland described six environment types, namely Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional.

The Realistic environment

This environment is dominated by realistic personality types. Demands and opportunities are created within this environment for the orderly and systematic use of, for example, tools and machinery. This environment therefore promotes technical skills.

The Investigative environment

The predominant characteristic of this environment is the symbolic, systematic and creative investigation of physical, biological and cultural phenomena. Investigative personality types who primarily have scientific skills dominate this environment.

The Artistic environment

This environment is dominated by artistic personality types and demands free and unsystematic activities and skills (for example the creation of forms of art). Artistic skills are promoted in this environment.

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The Social environment

The social personality type, who wishes to help, inform, train and develop other people, dominates this environment. Consequently social skills are generated, yielding a genial atmosphere.

The Enterprising environment

This environment sets demands and creates opportunities for the manipulation of other persons to achieve certain objectives. To achieve this, leadership skills are required. This means that the predominantly enterprising personality types prevail over this environment. A competitive atmosphere and high levels of tension are not uncommon in this environment.

The Conventional environment

The conventional environment demands the ordered and systematic manipulation of data (for ...

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