Experiment Objectives 1. To deepen understanding of properties of alcohol. 2. To dissolve alcohols in water, conduct Lucas Test, Chromic Acid Test and Reaction with Metallic Sodium

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1. To deepen understanding of properties of alcohol.

2. To dissolve alcohols in water, conduct Lucas Test, Chromic Acid Test and Reaction with Metallic sodium using alcohols.

3. To identify the unknowns belong to what types of chemicals.


Alcohols are the compounds that common hydrocarbon chains or rings containing a hydroxyl group (-OH) bonded to a carbon atom (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). Below are some examples of alcohols:

                CH3-OH                CH3-CH2-OH                CH3-CH2-CH2-OH

                Methanol                Ethanol                1-Propanol

Source: (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60)

Methanol is an alcohol which its carbon atom bonded to 3 hydrogens in addition to the -OH (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). Primary (1°) alcohol is an alcohol which its carbon bonded to the -OH is bonded to 2 hydrogens and 1 carbon (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). Secondary (2°) alcohol is an alcohol which its carbon atom bonded to the -OH is bonded to 1 hydrogen and 2 carbons (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). Tertiary (3°) alcohol is an alcohol which its carbon atom bonded to the -OH is bonded to 3 carbons (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). There are same characteristics of all these alcohols but there is difference on other characteristics because their structures are different (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60).  

Physical Properties

The dimension of alcohol is often directly proportional to boiling point (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). Hydrogen bond can be formed between hydroxyl groups in small alcohols and water molecules, so small alcohols are soluble in water (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). The alkyl group disrupting hydrogen bonding among the water molecules cause the size of the alkyl group is inversely proportional to the solubility in water (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). The alcohol molecules will be expelled to rebuild hydrogen bonding if the disruption increase against the water molecules (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60).

Chemical Properties    

In this experiment, chemical reactions which can help us to differentiate among the types of alcohols shall be focused (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60).

1. Lucas Test

To differentiate among 1°, 2° and 3° alcohols which soluble in water, this test can be applied (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). Lucas reagent can be made by mixing concentrated HCl and ZnCl (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). ZnCl is a Lewis acid which can make HCl become more acidic when putting it to HCl (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). An alkyl chloride that insoluble in the aqueous solution can be produced almost as soon as reaction between 3° alcohols which is soluble in water and Lucas reagent proceeds (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). To indicate occurrence of 3° alcohol, when the alcohol initially dissolves, second liquid phase will be generated in the test tube almost immediately (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). A 2° alcohol reacts slowly to generate a chloride and, after heating for a short time, generate a second phase usually within 10 minutes (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). Under these conditions, 1° alcohols and methanol do not react (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60).

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2. Chromic Acid Test

Chromic Acid oxidizes 1° alcohols to carboxylic acids. The red brown Cr6+ in the chromic acid is reduced to green Cr3+ (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.60). Chromic acid oxidizes 2° alcohols to ketones (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.61). The reduction above is the same here. Chromic acid does not oxidize 3° alcohols (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.61). This reaction can be used to distinguish between 1°, 2° and 3° alcohols (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman-Department of Chemical Science, 2021, p.61).

3. Reaction with Metallic Sodium


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