EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Measurement of Density and Determination of Partial Molar Volume, and the Effects of Concentrations to Surface Tension and Viscosity of Cyclohexane-Benzene Binary System

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EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Measurement of Density and

Determination of Partial Molar Volume, and the Effects of

Concentrations to Surface Tension and Viscosity of

Cyclohexane-Benzene Binary System

Chrissie Arceo, Jhulius Arnuco, Jonel Banania, Reuben James Q. Buenafe

Mapua Institute of Technology, Muralla St., Intramuros, Manila


The experimental design entitled, “Measurement of Density and Determination of Partial Molar Volume, and the Effects of Concentrations to Surface Tension and Viscosity of Cyclohexane-Benzene Binary System” tends to create a partial molar volume versus the mole fraction of benzene graph, to determine the partial molar volume of benzene-cyclohexane system at different concentrations using density measurement, to compare it to a standard value predetermined by another experimental report, to determine the effects of concentration of the binary system to its surface tension and to its viscosity, to determine the effect of bulk solute concentration on the surface tension of aqueous solution, and to evaluate graphically the parameters of the Gibbs isotherm.  The study shows that there is significant difference between the changes in concentration and the viscosity of the system, there is also significant difference between the changes in concentration and the surface tension of the liquid and the data of the partial molar volume of the system is acceptable that there is a significant difference between the observed and expected value of the partial molar volumes of the system.

Keyword: Partial Molar Volume, Surface Tension, Viscosity, Cyclohexane, Benzene


The paper is an evaluation report on the partial molar volume, surface tension, and viscosity data of the cyclohexane-benzene binary system, a mixture of nonelectrolyte liquids.

Based on many studies, the benzene-cyclohexane system is a well-established as a test system for excess molar volumes measurement devices. This excess molar volume is directly related with the partial molar volume that will be discussed later.

The students assumed that there is no significant difference between the changes in concentration and the viscosity of the system. It is also hypothesized that there is no significant difference between the changes in concentration and the surface tension of the liquid. Furthermore, it is to prove that the data of the partial molar volume of the system is acceptable that there is a significant difference between the observed and expected value of the partial molar volumes of the system.

The study aims to create a partial molar volume versus the mole fraction of benzene graph, to determine the partial molar volume of benzene-cyclohexane system at different concentrations using density measurement, and to compare it to a standard value predetermined by another experimental report. The study also sought to determine the effects of concentration of the binary system to its surface tension and to its viscosity, to determine the effect of bulk solute concentration on the surface tension of aqueous solution, and to evaluate graphically the parameters of the Gibbs isotherm.

Most thermodynamic variables fall into two types. Those representing extensive properties of a phase are proportional to the amount of the phase such as V, E, H, S, A, G, while those representing intensive properties are independent of the amount of phase like p and T.

Among intensive variables in thermodynamics are partial molar quantities defined by the equation

where Q is any extensive quantities mentioned. So for the partial molar volume the equation is

The bar over the symbol indicates partial molar quantities. The partial volume in the equation above can be thought of in several ways. It is the incremental volume obtained by adding a small amount of component i to the mixture while holding other components as constants. Another way is that it is the incremental volume obtained by adding one mole of component i to an infinite sample of the mixture. The partial molar volume is not necessarily the same as the volume of one mole of the pure component.

The volume of a solution is dependent on its temperature and pressure and the amount of each component used to form the mixture. For a binary system held at constant temperature and pressure, it can be written as its differential volume upon addition of removal or either component as

Substituting equation 1.2 to equation 1.3 will yield

and integrating the  differential equation 1.4 yields an expression which allows us to determine the solution’s volume from the partial molar volumes of its components

The volumes given in the equations above are the partial molar volumes which are not necessarily equal to the molar volumes of the pure components. Thus, equation 1.5 suggests that volumes may not be additive. That is, if one liter of component A is to be mixed with one liter of component B, the final volume would not be likely two liters. This is because water molecules interact with ethanol molecules differently than they interact with other water molecules.

The success of the experiment depends greatly upon the care with which the computations are carried out. The density (ρ) of every solution was computed to within an accuracy of at least one part per thousand using the equation

while the moles of each component were computed as

Another thermodynamic property studied in the experiment is the surface tension of the liquid. Liquids tend to adopt shapes that minimize their surface area, for then the maximum numbers of molecules are in the bulk and hence surrounded by and interacting with neighbors. Droplets of liquids therefore tend to be spherical, because a sphere is the shape with the smallest surface-to-volume ratio. However, there are may be other forces present that compete against the tendency to form this ideal shape and, in particular, gravity may flatten these spheres into puddles or ocean.

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The molecules at the surface of a liquid are subjected to an unbalanced force of molecular attraction as the molecules of the liquid tend to pull those at the surface inward while the vapor does not have as strong an attraction.  This unbalance causes liquids to tend to maintain a minimum surface area.  The magnitude of this force is called the surface tension.  The symbol for surface tension is γ. Conventionally, the tension between the liquid and the atmosphere is called surface tension while the tension between one liquid and another is called interfacial tension.

The surface tension ...

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