Heat Capacity Ratio for Gases. The experimental heat capacity ratio of N2 gas is computed as 1.28 (0.02) with the help of the adiabatic expansion method. This value is closer to the theoretical value of 1.29 when vibrational contribution to Čv is

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Heat Capacity Ratio for Gases

V. Raw and Derived Data Tables:

Table 1: Manometer Readings for PNitrogen Gas in the Carboy

Table 2. Manometer Readings for PNitrogen Gas in the Carboy after the Cap was removed and Subsequently Plugged

Table 3. Mean Heat Capacity Ratio

Table 4: Theoretical Cp and CV of Nitrogen gas

Table 5: Heat Capacity Ratio of N2 (Experimental and Theoretical)

VI. Results and Discussion:

Heat capacity is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a system by 1 oC or 1 K. Moreover, it is affected by the movement of the molecules with a corresponding kinetic energy that is produced upon its motion which can be translational, rotational and vibrational (for gas molecules). The amount of energy that is produced through these movements of gas molecules can be quantified through degrees of freedom as shown by the theorem of equipartition of energy. Thus for diatomic molecules like N2:

                                               ETOTAL = Erotational + Etranslational + Evibrational                        [eq.1]

This theorem suggests that for each translational and rotational degree of freedom, there is a corresponding kT/2 kinetic energy; and for each vibrational degree of freedom, there is a corresponding contribution of kT/2 potential energy and kT/2 kinetic energy. This theorem follows the rules of classical mechanics while its application to translational motion and rotational motion at ordinary temperatures concur with the rules of quantum mechanics. For each degree of freedom of a diatomic molecule, there is a corresponding 3RT/2 Joules of energy per mole due to its translational motion, RT Joules of energy due to its rotational motion and RT Joules of energy due to its vibrational motion for a total of 7RT/2 Joules of energy per mole. This energy contribution can be associated with the molar heat capacity at constant volume through this equation:

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        Čv = (δE/δT)v                  [eq. 2]

where (δE/δT)v is the rate of change at which the total energy changes as the temperature varies at constant volume. Thus, for diatomic molecules, Čv is equal to 7R/2.

        However, vibrational energy is highly quantized and greatly depends on temperature. For gaseous diatomic molecules, to Čv would be very small at ordinary temperatures. For example, the vibrational contribution for N2 would only be significant on temperatures above 4000 K. So the vibrational contribution can be neglected since the experiment was done at 300.15 K. Thus, for diatomic molecules, Čv is equal to 5R/2 ...

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