How to build a habitable planet

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Brian Lockyer


How to build a habitable planet

The Earth is an extremely complex and diverse system that is composed of many different intricate features that interlink and correlate in order to provide the mechanism that facilitates the sustainment of life on the planet.  In order to understand how to build a habitable and sustainable planet we need to ask questions such as why is the Earth so unique? And how come the Earth was the only planet after the Big Bang that was able to cater for life? The Earth is an incredible planet and every day we constantly bear witness to all the intricate processes that function in perfect harmony in order to create the necessary conditions that allow life to flourish. We have only just begun to understand and fully comprehend the detail and magnitude of how the different processes that make up our world operate. The gross advancements in technology have allowed us to explore and adventure to where no one has gone before and gives us the vital clues that are necessary in order to understand how to make our planet more sustainable and how to build a habitable planet.

The concept of how to build a habitable planet is a very important and complicated question that requires a complete understanding of the functioning and relationship between the different dimensions of the Earth.  The Earth has been compared to a huge recycling machine that consists of many parts. The Earth is made up of the inner core, the outer core, the mantle, the crust and the atmosphere; these parts play a pivotal role in the functioning of a successful planetary system.  However, human interference in the system can have adverse effects on the ability of the Earth to perform the necessary planetary functions which could potentially be detrimental to the sustainability of the planet. One of the most destructive effects on the Earth in recent times has been the drastic increase in Carbon dioxide emissions which threatens the sustainability of the Earth and its ability to cater for life. According to George Monbiot, Carbon dioxide levels are rising faster than they have been for the past twenty thousand years, ‘atmospheric carbon dioxide has risen from 280 parts per million in pre-industrial times to 380 parts per million today’ (Monbiot, 2007). This increase in carbon dioxide must be controlled as runaway global warming could raise temperatures by as much as two degrees which would have ‘severe implications on the Earth including mass extinctions and large scale droughts’ (Monbiot, 2007)).

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The inner core of the Earth is composed of solid iron; this iron is the main heat source of the Earth and is the driving force behind the many essential systems that make up the Earth. The heat from the inner core is slowly being lost mainly due to the formation of ridges on the ocean floor. The inner core also transfers heat to the outer core which is necessary in order to cater for another fundamental process of the earth. The outer core forms one of the most integral parts of the Earth’s functioning as it drives the magnetic ...

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